6. Maturitní téma - New York, Washington D.C.
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1624 - The Dutch founded New Amsterdam
1664 - The British took over the area -> New York
used to be a capital city of the USA for 2 years
9.11.2001 - terrorist attacked the Twins
Geographic position: NY is located on the east coast, northeast of the USA.
Population: NY has 8 million inhabitants and because it´s a cosmopolitan multiculture city with many ethnic groups - Hispanic, African, Chinese, Jews, Puerto Ricans...
Subdivision: NY is divided into 5 borroughs -
Staten Island
rich part/financial/economic/political...centre
5 000 skyscrapers...NY is famous for its skyline
Harlen, Times Square, Wall Street, Carnegie Hall, Central Park, Empire State Building, Ground Zero, Rockefeller Centre
zoo/Yankee Stadium
residential area with some poor parts with high crime rates
Brooklyn Bridge (Brooklyn - Manhattan)
residential area
U. S. Open - Flushing Meadows
J. F. Kennedy Airport
Geographic position: Washington is located in the east, in the south of NY.
Population: 600 000 inhabitants
It´s one of the most beautiful cities in US.
It´s designes by a French architect.
There are no skyscrapers.
It´s named after George Washington the first US president.
Washington is the administrative/judical/legislative centre of the US:
The White House - the official seat of the President
The Capiton - the seat of the Congress
Departments, Ministries
Department of Detense is seated in the Pentagon
Supreme Court
Many galleries, museums and theatres:
Museum of African Art
National Air and Space Museum
(Henry) Ford´s Theatre
Memorials and monuments:
the Washington Monument (pencil - shaped resident)
Lincoln Memorial (classic Greek style)
Vietnam Veterans Memorial
Places of interest of NY and Washington:
Empire State Building
Empire State Building is a 102 story building built in Art Deco style, located in New York in the USA
at the junction of Fifth Avenue and West 34th Street. It is an essential part of the city, like the Eiffel Tower is to Paris. Empire State Building is one of the most popular outdoor prospects in the world, ESB offers a view of all of New York, New Jersey and other cities. It was visited by more than
110 million people.
Brooklyn Bridge
The Brooklyn Bridge is one of the oldest suspension bridges in the United States. The Bridge was completed in 1883. The bridge connects Manhattan with Brooklyn. The bridge has a length of 1825 meters. Under the bridge flows the East River. Since 1964 it's one of the national historical monuments.
Lincoln Memorial
The Lincoln Memorial is an American memorial built to honor the 16th President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln. It is located on the National Mall in Washington, D.C.. It is one of several monuments built to honor an American president. It´s built in a Greek Doric style. The memorial has been the site of many famous speeches, including Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream". It is open for the public 24 hours a day.