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Tourist attractions of Washington DC and NYC

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Tourist attractions of Washington D. C. and New York City

The Library of Congress (Washington)

  • The biggest library building in the world

  • National library of the US

The White House (Washington)

  • The official residence and workplace of the POTUS since 1800

  • Neoclassical building, completed in 1800

  • Part of it is the famous Oval Office

The role of Congress (Washington)

  • The Seat of Congress is in the United States Capitol

    • Located on the Capitol hill

    • Neoclassical building, completed in 1800

    • Has white exterior (*like all the principal buildings of executive and judicial branches)

    • Divides Washington DC into 4 sections (Northwest, Northeast, Southwest, Southeast)

  • Congress = House of Representatives + the Senate

  • Can make new laws, is the legislative branch of the US fed government

The Seat of the President (Washington)

  • The White House

The Lincoln Memorial (Washington)

  • A national monument built to honour Abraham Lincoln finished 1922

  • Greek revival style of building

Lincoln Memorial Reflecting pool (Washington)

  • The largest of reflecting pools in Washington (618x51m)

  • Reflects either the Lincoln Memorial, or the Washington Monument

The Washington Monument (Washington)

  • A marble obelisk build to commemorate George Washington (1st POTUS)

  • World’s tallest obelisk and tallest stone structure

The Statue of Liberty (NYC)

  • Considered a symbol of freedom

  • Located on Liberty Island

  • Given to the USA by France in 1884

Empire State Building + Central park (NYC)

  • An art deco (1931) skyscraper located in Manhattan, NYC

  • From 1931 to 1970 the highest building in the world

  • Steel and glass construction

  • NYC’s landmark

  • Central park is an urban park located in Manhattan, most visited urban park in the US and a very popular filming location

The World Trade Centre (NYC)

  • Was a complex of 7 buildings in Manhattan (NYC)

  • The most famous ones were the Twin Towers

    • Opened 1970

    • Then the highest buildings in the World

    • On September 11, 2001 Al-Qaeda hijackers flew two civilian Boeing jets into the Twin Towers

    • They later that day the complex collapsed and overall 2 606 people were killed there

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