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There are quite a lot of problems in transport. Almost everyday we see in news reports about car accidents. Less common are plane, train and boat crashes. If we travel by car we have to count with traffic jam or road works. Our car might break down too. In that case we need to call breakdown service and leave it in car repair. Travelling by train or bus is usually connected to delay because of bad weather or a lot of passengers. We have to be aware of thieves and pickpockets. Many people often lose some things while travelling (coats, glasses, IDs, passports, luggage). If something like this happen we need to go to a left luggage office. If we are not satisfied with services or want some information, we can head to information office.

We can travel on our own, or we can take advantage of the services offered by travel agencies. They will take care of our accommodation, transportation, health insurance, accident and luggage insurance. It is very important to have valid passport or ID. To enter some countries, we need to have tourist visa. As I mentioned before, travel agency will take care of accommodation. During our vacation we may live in cabin, chalet, boarding-house, apartments, apartment houses, hotel. It is also possible to spend holiday on a cruise. If we travel on our own, we can also sleep in tent in some camping area. It is good to call hotel directly and make sure if the room has really been reserved.

After we arrive to a hotel we inform the receptionist of our arrival. Then we get a key with a room number. If our room is on one of the higher floors, we can also use the lift. Our room’s furnishing depends on the category of hotel we are staying at. But usually there is a bed, bedside table, telephone for the room service. In hotels there are restaurants where we have breakfast, lunch and dinner. Breakfast can be served as a cold buffet. Lunch and dinner are usually served by waiters. Hotels may include spas, saunas, swimming pool, gym and so on.

There are many activities we can do. If we spend holiday in mountains we can go hiking, skiing (in winter), explore the nature. If our vacation takes place in a big city we can go sightseeing, enjoy nightlife, take some courses. And what to do in a seaside resort? You can for example swim in the sea, explore the beach or open-air market, try water sports such as surfing or windsurfing, lay on the beach or take a sunbath. The thing is that you can do whatever you want to do, because it is holiday! The trip back tends to be kind of sad. On the other hand, there is no place like home and who doesn’t like sleeping in his own bed?

Popular destinations among Czech tourists are Croatia, Turkey, Greece, Italy and Bulgaria. But because of terrorism and current political situation in some countries, people tend to explore our country more. In February or March, it is becoming popular to go for a skiing holiday. People travel all around the Czech Republic but also to foreign countries such as France and Italy, where the Alps are.

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