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Třeboň was founded in the middle of the 12. century. There was a small settlement crossing one of the bussines routes. Later Třeboň was gifted to Vítek of Prčice, the founder of the powerful house of Vítkovec. He gained this property from the Czech king Vladislav II.
Lords of Lanštejn were the next noble in Třeboň. They bought it in the middle of the 13. century. Třeboň became their residence and they also built the Church of St. Jiljí.
The great era of Třeboň started in year 1366. Rožmberkové, the most powerful feudal family in the kingdom of Bohemia, got the hole dominion. Třeboň got many usable rigts of a royal city. The most important one was a privilege of importing salt. Rožmberkové founded the Augustinian Monastery and built the city fortification.
During the 15. and 16. century came the famous founders of the ponds of Třeboň. The first man was Štěpánek Netolický. He founded many ponds, like Horusický, Opatovický or Velký Tisý, but his greatest masterpiece was the Golden canal. Nowadays it still brings water to the ponds. The second founder was Jakub Krčín. He was called by Vilém of Rožmberk, the second most powerful man after the king. He founded the most beutiful pond aroud Třeboň, pond Svět.
After death of all men in the Rožmberk house, Třeboň was inherited by the Švamberk family. The entire dominion was early confiscated by Habsburgs, after the Tirty Years´ War. Habsburgs gave the dominion to powerful and rich house of Schwarzenberg. But they kept Třeboň only for bussines. They benefited from the ponds and the forests around Třeboň.
In year 1883 the Berta Spa was founded by local teacher Václav Hudek, so Třeboň became famous. The 20. century wasn´t ideal for bussines or tourism. Otavan, the big textile company and large-scale agriculture were the biggest part of town´s income. In 1970ies Třeboň became protected historical and nature area.
Settlement [ˈsetəlmənt] = osada
House [ˈhaʊs] = rod
Brew [bruː] = vařit
Fortification [ˌfɔːtɪfɪˈkeɪʃən] = opevnění
Dominion [dəˈmɪnjən] = ovládaná oblast