09 IT, computers and their role in our lives
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Information technology, Computers and their role in our lives
The idea of an automatic machine capable of executing complicated mathematical tasks is very old. The first idea was a mechanical computer. This concept is almost 200 years old. Some of these computers existed only as a layout on the paper, some of them really worked. The later tests have demonstrated that many of these layouts are very advanced and able to work. Unfortunately the level of technology and materials of that time was not advanced enough for such a device to be constructed. Such a “computer” was able to perform similar operations like a small modern pocket calculator. The same one, we have now integrated for example in our cell phones.
The real modern computers came at the age of electronics. The first computers were based on electron tubes, then on transistors. Later, the integrated circuit started to be used. During the 20th century, the computers were domain of armies and specialized scientists.
Today we mostly use computers known as PC. This abbreviation means “personal computer”. The age of the personal computers, as we know them today, started around the turn of the seventies and the eighties. The integrated circuits (chips) were every year smaller and cheaper. Thanks to this development, smaller and cheaper computers were used by ordinary companies and individuals. It was a real boom of the computer age. The computers have started to influence our lives more and more. At first, it was predominantly in our jobs. But later, computers have started to invade our homes. We use them almost every day. These machines help us in many ways. For example: processing documents, communication with other people, performing difficult mathematical tasks, processing photos and videos etc. We should also mention computer games, as an important part of modern entertainment.
Nowadays, a computer is almost in every office and living room. Off course, it influences our lives whether we want or not. A computer, like any other invention, can be a very good helper, but it can also bring some negatives. At first, look at the computers at our homes.
The good thing is we can continue to work at home, if we need it. We can use the computer with the internet connection for a very fast searching of any kind of information. It also helps in the educational process. The computer is also a part of entertainment, thanks to its capability of using it as many kinds of media and of running computer games. This is only a short list. The possibilities of the modern computers are huge, due to their large versatility. Where are the negatives? For example: You work too much at home and do not take a rest enough. You can become a computer gambler or an internet addicted. Not all the information on the internet is good, some of them can be harmful to children. You can be overwhelmed by
information, because our brain is not able to receive so many tings in such a high speed. As you can see, you need to find your own way how to deal with.