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USA - History

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The U.S.A. - history

The first known inhabitants of this area that are now called “The Native Americans“ or “Indians“, crossed the Bering Strait about 35 000 years ago and spread through the whole continent. They were living mostly from agriculture, hunting, gathering, and fishing.

Although we know that the Vikings established a colony somewhere along the North America east coast at the beginning of the eleven century, we have no proofs about their presents in USA area.

North America didn’t have gold which would attract main world powers, so its colonisation is of a quite later date. It also enabled smaller countries to establish here their owns colonies. They profited mainly from fur trade and newly discovered plants like corn, tobacco or potatoes.

So, the first documented European settlements is from 1565. It was Spain that annexed the area of Florida, Texas, Mexico, California.. France annexed central part up the river Mississippi (called Louisiana). Netherlands established colony New Amsterdam. Sweden built Fort Christina. England had difficulties at first but in the end succeeded in establishing Jamestown in Virginia (1607). Many British settlers were puritans, who came to the New World to gain religious freedom. Area of their settlement was called New England and it’s centre was Boston. While Virginia settlers grew tobacco, New Englanders concentrated on trade.

More and more colonies were established in the l7th century, southern plantations could no longer obtain an adequate supply of English workers and so they decided to introduce slavery to America. Southern plantations soon became relied on the slave labor.

Unfortunately England decided that certain products from colonies could be sold only in the mother country and England has the privilege in importing goods to the colonies. These act was disaster for colonies economy.

In the year 1773 colonists in Boston throw British tea worth more then 10 000 pound to the see. These act is called The Boston Tea Party. Thirteen American colonies united and decided to revolt against British rule. War brake out in 1775. British army was far more powerful but the situation changed after France decided to help revolting colonies.

On July 4, 1776 the Declaration of Independence was signed. It was written mainly by Thomas Jefferson and declared independent USA as well as principles of American society. USA army led by George Washington finally forced British army to surrender at Yorktown in 1781. In the Treaty of Paris, signed in 1783, Britain accepted independence of USA.

Constitution of United States was written in 1787 and ratified one year later. First amendment was added in 1791 it was The Bill of Rights. George Washington became the first president.

After war with revolutionary France USA decided that it wouldn’t have any political ties with another nations. Country was characterized by a decentralized economy, minimal government and maximum freedom of action and enterprise for everybody. 1803, the territory of Louisiana was purchased from the French.

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