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- worldwide problem
- people which live in poverty sometimes commit a crimes to get money
- poor people don´t have enough food for their families – starvation
- country in poverty don´t have good health care system so many diseases
- country don´t have good school educational system (sometimes they don’t have school) and children must work
- Africa - Nigeria , Central American country - Guatemala, Asia - Nepal

- crime is an illegal activity which people do intentionally

- there are so many reason why people commit crimes: social problems, unemployment, mental diseases,

they need money, they are jealous,…
- for commit crime we could go to the prison
- the court resolves the crimes
- murder- kill someone
- shoplifting- steal something from shop
- burglary- steal something (money, jewellery) from someone´s house
- arson- set a fire in criminal way (intentionally)
- kidnapping- take someone away and want ransom
- pick pocketing- steal something from someone´s bag or pocket
- forgery- make illegal copy of documents, money, …
- smuggling – take something on another country illegally (drugs,..)
- rape- have a sexual contact with someone who desn´t want

- it is an economic danger for every country
- in our country, a lot of people are unemployed (it is between 2 and 20% - it depends in which region:

the most affected regions are in the north of Bohemia and Moravia with the heavy industry)
- another reason for unemployment is hundreds of companies that go bankrupt
- school-leavers cannot often find a job and have to be on the dole
- so many unemployed people is in country with poverty or in country suffered from environmental disease


- reasons: unemployment, addiction (alcohol, drugs), dysfunction of family, divorce, poverty, migration,

gambling and wrong investments, domestic violence, not being able to pay loans, natural disaster, wars,

refuges, forced eviction (vyvlastění), mental/ physical disability

- appearance, feelings : unshaved, dirt, scruffy clothes, lonely, depressed, embarrassed, insecure/unsafe, hungry

- what they need: shelter, food, health care, medicine, personal hygiene, financial support, job, cleaning and drying

clothes, safe place for their belongings
- where they stay: outdoor (sleeping bag, cardboard boxes, tent), dumpsters, under the bridge, parks,

bus or train station, squatting, homeless shelters

- who help them: church, volunteering organisation, charities, programmes supported by government,

individual donors

- what they provide them: homeless shelters, sharing houses, health care, work - street newspaper


- earthquakes, volcano eruptions, flooding, hurricanes

- there is very little we can do to prevent, it can happen very quickly, kill a lot of people and destroy their houses

and other properties


- it is a conflict between countries or nations

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