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- often because of political problems, to get money, change political system, occupy the territory
- in history - so many wars because kings need more and more territory
- 2 big world wars: many people died, countries were destroyed
IWW- 1914-1918
IIWW- 1939-1945

- results: damage of country (private and public property –factories, institutions, houses…), death of innocent people,

economic impact – poverty, broken families (orphans – children without parents)

- current conflicts: Afghanistan, Iraq… + terrorist attacks


- immigration: it is permanent change of residence of a person or groups

- emigration: the process of leaving a country in order to live permanently in another country

- reason: political situation, poverty, wars, environmental disasters, religious freedom, economic reasons,

trade routes, new settlement areas, enslavement, refugees

- 216 million people (3% of population) people live away from their place of birth

- push factors: wars, poverty, disasters

- pull factors: political freedom, economic reasons

- types of migration - asylum seekers
- labour migration

- head hunting - countries want experts

- the main migration routes:
-> to: USA, Russia, Germany
-> from: Mexico, India, Russia
-> Europe - to Germany, Denmark from Turkey
to France, Portugal, Spain from their formal colonies, within EU countries

- main fears connected with migration - immigrants are very expensive
- loss of national identify
- a burden on a welfare system

- what do the government do to restrict the migration:
-> fortifying the borders, restrictions, control of refugee routes

- some positives of migration:
-> economic development of the country, our society in not aging, cultural diversity

- your own opinion on it:

-> I think immigrants has both good and bad points, good is that the right immigrants can brings benefits

to a country, on the other hand, wrong immigrants can brings problems to a country

- terrorism is premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against non-combatant targets by

sub-nationals groups or clandestine agents, usually intended to influence an audience

- it is (threats of) violent action for political purposes

- four points of terrorism - it is premeditated

- it is political

- it is aimed at civil

- it is carried out by sub-nationals groups

- terrorists are people, who wanted to gain widespread publicity

- their aim: They want to unsettle as many people as is possible. They try to use the psychological impact of violence

or the threat of violence to bring about political change

- reasons: anti- Semitism, cold war politics, money/ poverty, oil, political power, racism, sexism, religion

- terrorist groups: Al-Quaeda, Homas, Ku Klux Klan (KKK), ISIS - Organisation of Islamic State


- bad habits
- cigarette contains so many toxic substance like carbon monoxide and also contains nicotine which is very

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