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Judaism – Useful phrases

struggles of the Jewish people Exodus from Egyptian captivity they wandered in the desert

the Promised Land fell to Asyrian raiders Jerusalem was conquered

a rebellion led by independence of the Jewish nation Jews settled in Europe

Holocaust organized murder of Jews monotheistic religion

the world was created by to live according to God’s will the Ten Commandments

Islam – Useful phrases

he became dissatisfied with polytheism to have religious visions “revelations” from Allah

visions are recorded in Qur’an it was not widely accepted the turning point in Islam

Islam quickly spread method of establishing a successor the Sunnis are majority

controversy produced two major sects faith and duty there is no priesthood

the five pillars of faith testimony of faith prayer

almsgiving fasting pilgrimage

Hinduism – Useful phrases

adopted the name Hinduism originated in passed down orally

recorded around 1500BC three paths to salvation maintenance of order

it is found primarily in India the core of Hinduism is universal life force

the cycle of death and reincarnation the highest goal of Hinduism it is a way of life

they practice yoga households have shrines the caste system

abolished the caste system the offering of fruit, flowers and incence

Christianity – Useful phrases

Christianity is based upon to spread quickly throughout the Catholic church split

to challenge the authority the large denominations today are the central figure is Jesus

by immaculate conception lived his life without sin Jesus performed miracles

he was hung on the cross paid for the sins of all mankind salvation can be achieved by

he rose from the dead eternal life Bible consists of

provides historical information

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