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What do you think about the current situation at Czech football stadiums? Vandalism & crime

I think it would be good to have a comparison of totally different situations, fans here at Czech stadiums and fans in Great Britain. The British people are fanding fairly, there aren’t any problems with racism such as sometimes here at Czech stadiums... No candles, rockets, petards, nothing what could affect a match or disturb or even endanger some other fans.

In my opinion this huge difference is hidden in different strictness of similar laws. The British are afraid to do some disorder at the stadiums because according to British laws it would be crime (evaluated by court of justice with several years in prison, big financial penalty and absolute prohibition to go to the stadium). Also at the stadiums it is possible to find really quality hidden-camera-system used by police to find the eventual deliquent. There is nothing like that in Czech Rep. Usually no hidden camera systems, fans are destroying stadiums without any problems, especially now (since January 2009) there is a new law that police shouldn’t be present at stadiums – so the radical fans are now absolutely free to do everything what they want, there are only a few security men who definitely can not stop their destroying actions.

I was thinking about some possible solution and I think I found one. Czech laws should be like the British ones, strict and relentless penalties for vandals and inadaptable fans. Their behavior should not be evaluated only as a tort, but as a crime… I think it could help.

Jiří Kadlec

Josef Veselý

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