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At the Doctor

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9 At the Doctor´s, First Aid

  1. How often do you go to see your GP / your dentist / other specialists

- I go to my doctor for preventive check-ups and/or when I am ill. I go to my dentist once every six months. I see my specialist in rheumatology, allergy, lung once every six months.

2) What symptoms make you go to a doctor?

- If my throat hurts a lot or if I have a temperature or if my ear hurts or if I have skin problems for a long time. If I fall and I think I might have something broken

3) Describe a check-up at the doctor´s

- First, the doctor will ask us how we are doing and our problems. The nurse will find out our height and weight, measure our pressure, check our vision and hearing. There are blood draws. The doctor asks us about our meds and illnesses, squeezes our stomachs, listens to our hearts

4) At the dentist´s

- I go to the dentist regularly every six months. He'll check my teeth to see how clean they are and whether they're damaged. He'll show us how to brush our teeth properly. Sometimes he sharpens and repairs his teeth. When I was a kid, I used to get pictures. I like going to the dentist because my dentist is very nice.

5) Advantages / disadvantages of being a doctor / a nurse


  1. doctor – makes a lot of money, helps people, saves lives, cures diseases, has an important position and word

  2. nurse - makes a lot of money, helps people, improves the lives of the sick, creates a smile in difficult moments, work with people sometimes she met interesting people


a) doctor - he's working shifts, he's got a lot of responsibility, he's got a lot to learn and think about, he doesn't have time for family

b) nurse - he's working shifts, he's got a lot of responsibility, he's got a lot to learn and think about, he doesn't have time for family, it's hard work on the psyche, it can get infected

6) First aid (broken arm, nosebleed, wounds, cuts and grazes, minor burns)

= První pomoc (zlomená ruka, krvácení z nosu, zranění, řezné rány a škrábance, drobné popáleniny)

- broken arm – fix with some splints and chill and go to the hospital,

- nosebleed – bend your head over the sink, put a wet cloth behind your neck or plug your nose with a handkerchief

- wounds – treat, find out what the wounds is, call an ambulance

- cuts and grazes – to stop bleeding, clean with disinfectant, patch or cover with bandage

- minor burns – remove clothes, refrigerate with water

7) If you saw a car accident, what would you do?

- I mark the crash site, split the injured, protect myself, treat the more injured first, call the police, fire and ambulance.

8) Have you ever been to a hospital as a patient – your experience with doctors / nurses / services

- Yes it was. My experience is good. The doctors were nice. The nurses were willing and helpful mentally. There was one time, though, when a nurse was very unpleasant. Service could get better at some point. It could be done more carefully.

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