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13 Literature, W. Shakespeare

1) What are the advantages and disadvantages of reading

- advantages - brain training, more vocabulary, spending time, hobbies, relax

- disadvantages - books are expensive

2) Do you like reading / how often do you read

- No, I don’t like to read very much, I prefer watching films, talking to my friends, listening to music.

3) What is your favourite genre / author

- I haven’t favourite author.

- My favourite genre is fantasy, romance maybe.

4) Do you prefer buying or borrowing books – why

- I prefer buying books because I love the smell of a new book and I can read it anytime.

5) What is better – to read a book and then to see the film version or vice versa

- In my opinion, there is something different in the book than in the film. When we read a book we can create our own idea

6) Did your parents used to read stories to you when you were little

- Yes they read. They read me stories when I was very young.

7) Do you read magazines/ newspapers – give some examples of English magazines/ newspapers

- I don't read newspapers or magazines because I don't care.

8) Have you ever read a book in different language

- Not yet, because the English language is hard for me.

9) Do you think that electronic books will replace paper books in the future

- I think so, because paper books are more expensive to produce. I can have e-books on my phone.

10) Explain the term Renaissance / Elizabethan times

- Renaissance – In the 16th century. Renaissance humanists acknowledged man as the centre of the universe. They fought against the dogmatism of the Catholic Church, it was the era of fight against feudal backwardness. It was the time when people began to believe in their own reason and senses, when the great works of ancient artists and philosophers were admired.

- Elizabethan times – Queen Elizabeth I was the ruler during Shakespeares time. She enjoyed going to see Saherpeares plays and was a supporter of the arts. During her time, going to the theatre was considered a big event. Back then, theatres were open-air and it was quite a lively affair. During the show the audience would talk, eat, and drink. Sometimes, if they didn’t like a show, they would throw rotten potatoes onto the stage.

11) W.S. – his life (his birthplace, family, wife, King´s Men, a new house, where he died)

- His birthplace – W.S. was born on 23th April 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon.

- Family- He was one of eight children of Mary Arden and John Shakespeare. John Shakespeare was a successful tradesman working with leader – he made gloves, purses, aprons and belts.

- Wife- William married Ann Hathaway in 1582. He was only eighteen and half, Ann was eight years older.

- Kings men – When James I. came to the throne after Elizabeths death, he recognized Shakespeares company as the leading group of actors and from then on they were known as the Kings men.

- A new house – In Kings men times Shakespeare made enough money to build a comfortable life. He bouht a fine house in Stratford, but 23th April 1616 – the same day as his birth he died.

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