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The benefit of TV is that we get a realistic picture of an event very easily, for many people it is also a means of entertainment. However, compared with the newspaper, where you can choose what to read and what not, on TV you don’t have this choice. Watching TV could be also harmful – children behave violently after they watch an action movie, and some people (especially women who watch American soap operas) became unable to live in the real life, because they love the fiction too much. Naturally, TV makes addiction, and it is bad for a person, when he/she only watches instead of producing own activity, for example sport. Moreover, it is not good for the eyes. The TV has a strong power which can be misused – it can create false expectations about the life, political parties may get people who favour them. Actually, also this is part and parcel of television.


The most modern type of mass media is called the Internet. It is a system of computers connected with eachother, where can you find whatever are you looking for. At any time anywhere in the world. There is an uncountable amount of pages of various types. You need a computer and a connection to the Internet. People use the Internet for sending e-mails, discussing topics, finding information, reading Internet news, buying and selling products, or for entertainment. Today, many companies are connected to it to get customers, to advertise, or just to keep in touch with the others.

Me and mass media

I am not a person who needs to know everything what is happening in the universe, so I use media less than an average person. I never buy newspaper, because I don’t find it interesting enough and there is usually a newspaper at home, anyway. Sometimes I buy a magazine – a specialized one, I am interested in railway and there are many railway magazines, some are even delivered into my post box.

I listen to radio only because of music, I find radio news and sport commentaries rather unattractive. Sometimes I have to listen to a news station when travelling by car with my father, which is unbearable. I don’t like TV much, I thing I could do more interesting and creative activities, but I have a number of favourite movies and TV competitions, so I watch it about three times a week.

The media I use the most is the Internet. Almost every evening I connect my computer to it and send e-mails, look for information (especially now before maturita) or just explore new places and look at interesting pages. I also send some photographs on Internet galleries, so we can say that I contribute to the Internet. And some time I spend on the chat, where I can discuss something with my friends or make new ones.

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