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Americans celebrate many festivals and holidays. Some of them are similar as ours and some are different. The most important festivals and holidays are: Christmas Day, Independence Day, Thanksgiving Day, New Year´s Day, Columbus Day..
Thanksgiving day (4th Thursday in November)
Thanksgiving Day is celebrated on 4th Thursday in November. It is a very famous festival, is very important for Americans. This day commemorates the first settlers who came to America in 1620 when the ship named Mayflower brought one hundred and two English men, women and children to America. They were puritans, members of a religions sect. The winter was cold and half of them died. In spring they planted corn and other plants with help and advice from the Indians. In autumn they celebrated good harvest and had a feast with much food. They called this day their day of Thanksgiving. It is a national holiday in the USA and Canada.
Traditional food which is eaten on this day is turkey with pumpkins, squashes and cranberries.
People give thanks for their being well, for happiness of their families. Many families begin Thanksgiving dinner with a prayer.
Independence day (4th July)
It´s main American national celebration. It´s celebrated on 4th July and it commemorates the day when the USA proclaimed its freedom from Britain with the Declaration of Independence (1776). It´s the occasion for parades, speeches celebrating American freedom and fireworks displays in the evening…People have barbecue.
It is not a national holiday. Most Americans spend Easter Sunday with the family, some people give children dyed eggs and sweets. It is celebrated in the same way as in Britain.
There is a traditional Easter Egg Roll in front of the White House in Washington.
People in America celebrate their Christmas on Christmas Day too (25 December). The day before children hang up a stocking by the fireplace or bed where Santa Claus is supposed to bring presents. He comes by a chimney during the night of Christmas and leaves gifts.
Traditional Christmas dinner usually consists of turkey with potatoes and other vegetables. In the USA they bake special biscuits called Christmas cookies. Than follows Boxing day – money are collected into Christmas box, which is broken on this day and money are given to poor people and people with poor job (postmen, milkmen, dustmen)
New Year’s Eve, New Year’s Day
Celebrating these days start for many people (particularly for young people) several hours before midnight on 31st December they drink alcohol with friends, but official celebrating starts at midnight, when people welcome New Year's Day. They set off fireworks and they have a toast with champagne.
On 1st January (on New Year's Day) many people sleep very long, because they went to sleep late and many of them were drunk. On this day people eat lentils because lentils are symbol of money.
On this day it is often said: How on New Year's Day so all the year round. And people make New Year's Day resolutions.
St. Patrick’s Day
It is celebrated on 17th March; originally it was an Irish holiday. St Patrick is the patron of the Irish people. On this day everywhere is green colour. The symbol of the day is shamrock.

Columbus Day
It is celebrated on 12 October. This day reminds the "discovery" of America in 1492 by Christopher Columbus.
Veteran’s Day, Memorial Day, President’s Day, Martin Luther King Day, Labor Day

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