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Life in GB and USA

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Life in Britain and in the USA

1) Great Britain

The British are very polite and have good manners - they are never tired of saying „Thank you“, „I am sorry,“ or „Excuse me.“ They like spending their leisure time at home with the family and pets in their houses. They have good table manners. They enjoy their breakfasts and most of all the traditional tea around 4 or 5 o’clock.

The normal working week has five days. Factory workers usually start at 8 a. m. and offices, shops and schools open at 9 a. m. Workers have 3 weeks holidays and professional workers (people with higher education) have usually longer holidays (a month and more). Except of these holidays they have public holidays: e.g. New Year’s Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Christmas day and Boxing day.

An average Englishman likes to live in his own house. Houses are made of red bricks, stone and wood. The houses usually have from 4 to 6 rooms, two floors, small front and back gardens. On the ground floor there is a hall, a kitchen, a living room with a fireplace and on the first floor there are parents’ and children’s bedrooms and a bathroom. The prices of houses depend on the area - the most expensive are the houses in London and South England (about 200.000 pounds), smaller houses in other areas may cost about 50.000 pounds.

Social Welfare - The national Health Service gives largely free treatment for everyone living in Britain. People can choose their family doctors. In case of emergency you can call the ambulance by dialling 999 from everywhere. Health centres are run by local authorities. About 7 per cent of hospitals, dentists and family doctors work as private.

There are about 130 daily and Sunday newspapers and a lot of weekly papers and magazines. The oldest newspaper is The Times. Other famous newspapers are Daily Mirror, Daily Mail, Financial Times etc.

Holidays and anniversaries in Great Britain

New Year’s day - January the 1st – titles and decoration are conferred by the queen, It usually takes place on the Trafalgar square

St. Valentine’s day - February the 14th - a lovers feast. Young people send Valentine cards, usually without their sign and exchange gifts. The day was named after one clergy man who was executed

St. David’s day - March the 1st the patron saint of Wales

St. Patrick’s day - March the 17th the patron saint of Ireland. People often wear shamrock on that day, because it is the symbol of Ireland

All Fools day - April the 1st , it is named after the custom of playing parricidal jokes and tricks on people and you can shout “April fool!”

Easter - is celebrated as in the whole Europe. Easter eggs, dyed and decorated or made of confectionery symbolising new life are given as presents

May day - is celebrated with dancing around Maypoles, the political parties of the left hold processions and public meetings

Mothers day - 2nd Sunday in May

The mid-summer’s day June 24th ,there is sunrise ceremony at Stonehenge. Somewhere the midsummer fires are lit as pre -Christian times when this ritual was performed to give strength to the sun and drive out the devil

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