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  • characteristics of a good librarian, roles and duties

There are various demands on libraries nowadays which means that demands on librarians´ specific knowledges are often beyond their general job description. Professional training, further education or previous experience could help the librarians with it.

Basic qualities and skills required from librarians could be defined as:

  • the ability to positive communication with people

  • the ability to understand to customers´ needs

  • the ability to co-operating with singles and groups in the community

  • the knowledge and understanding to cultural diversity

  • the knowledge of materials in the fund of library and the ways to make them open

  • the understanding and respecting the rules of public services

  • the ability to co-operate on providing effective librarians´ services

  • the organization abilities and flexibility to implementation changes

  • the ability to work as a team

  • the imagination, forethought and openness to new ideas and attitudes in practice

  • to be prompt to changes of works´ methods in new conditions

  • the knowledge of information and communication technologies including their changes

  • needed education (general and specialized)

The qualified librarians should have a university education or postgraduate course of library science and information technologies. It is important to continuosly educate themselves in formal or informal base to stay in touch with progress in their branch. Librarians should be in touch with librarians´ schools in their countries and should have a full knowledge about the content of education there. The libraries should participate in the school work whenever it is possible, for example with the lectures, consultancy for perspective students and other propriate forms of co-operation.

In these days could applicants for librarian profession study this subject at three universities in the Czech Republic. It includes Information studies and librarianship at the Faculty of Arts at Masaryk university in Brno, Information studies and librarianship at the Faculty of Arts and natural science at the Silesian university in Opava and Information studies and librarianship at the Faculty of Arts at Charles University in Prague. Expect for above mentioned schools could applicants for this subject study at Specialised Higher School of Information services in Prague, Business school, Secondary school of librarianship and Specialised Higher school of librarian, information and social services in Brno and Higher School in Valašské Meziříčí. Secondary education in this branch could people get at Business school and Secondary school in Valašské Meziříčí or at Secondary school of business, services and crafts in Tábor.

  • branches of librarianship

librarian processes: acquisition



making accessible


Acquisition could be defined as getting documents or information for the fund of the library.

Fund making includes fund´s profiling, detection and choosing documents and getting documents.

Témata, do kterých materiál patří