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What is education

  • It is a systematic process of acquiring knowledge, skills, values, and understanding through formal or informal means to facilitate personal development and societal progress

Different systems of education (Czech x British x American)

  • Czech education system

  • Structure: - Primary

Structure: - Lower Secondary

Structure: - Upper Secondary

Structure: - Tertiary Education

  • Curriculum: It emphasizes core subjects like language, math, and sciences, with a well-rounded approach including cultural and physical education.

  • Higher education: Universities offer bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees subjects

  • British education system

  • Structure: - Primary

Structure: - Secondary

Structure: - Further Education

Structure: - Higher Education

  • Curriculum: It is designed to provide a broad and balanced education, emphasizing academic subjects, skills development, and personal growth.

  • Higher education: Universities offer bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees subjects

  • American education system

  • Structure: - Elementary School

Structure: - Middle School

Structure: - High School

  • Curriculum: It offers a flexible and diverse learning experience, covering various subjects and encouraging critical thinking and extracurricular involvement.

  • Higher education: Universities offer bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees subjects

Levels of education

  • Nursery: Early childhood education for young children before primary school.

  • Primary: Foundational education typically covering elementary grades, focusing on basic subjects.

  • Secondary: Follows primary education and includes middle and high school, providing a more in-depth and specialized curriculum.

  • Tertiary: Higher education, including universities and colleges, offering degrees and advanced studies beyond secondary education.

Length of study

  • Czech Republic

  • Mateřská škola (Preschool): 2 to 3 years.

  • Základní škola (Primary School): 9 years.

  • Střední škola (Secondary School): 4 years for most programs.

  • Vysoká škola (Tertiary Education): Bachelor's degree typically takes 3 years, Master's degree 2 years, and doctoral programs vary but often take around 3 to 4 years.

  • Britain:

  • Nursery: 1 to 2 years.

  • Primary School: 6 years.

  • Secondary School: 5 years (Key Stages 3 and 4).

  • Tertiary Education: Bachelor's degree usually takes 3 years, Master's degree 1 to 2 years, and a doctoral program can take around 3 to 4 years.

  • America:

  • Elementary School: 6 years.

  • Middle School: 2 to 3 years.

  • High School: 4 years.

  • Tertiary Education: Bachelor's degree typically takes 4 years, Master's degree 1 to 2 years, and a doctoral program can vary but often takes around 5 to 7 years.


  • The examination of education is the process of evaluating students' learning through assessments, tests, and other methods to measure their understanding of academic content and skills acquired during their educational journey.

Types of school

  • Public Schools: Government-funded institutions that provide education to the general public.

  • Private Schools: Institutions funded by tuition fees, donations, and sometimes endowments.

  • Religious Schools: Institutions affiliated with a specific religious denomination, where religious teachings are integrated into the curriculum.

  • Specialized Schools: Designed to meet the needs of students with specific characteristics or interests, such as arts schools, science-focused schools, or schools for students with learning disabilities.

  • Homeschooling: Education that takes place at home, facilitated by parents or tutors, rather than in a traditional school setting.

  • Vocational or Technical Schools: Institutions that focus on providing practical skills and training for specific trades or professions.

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