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/ðɪ ɑːˡtɪkjƏleɪtƏz/ or /ɑːˡtɪkjʊleɪtƏz/

An articulator is a part of the mouth, nose or throat which is used in producing speech.

The main ones for the articulation of English consonants are:

a) the two lips – bilabial

b)the lower lip touching the upper teeth- labiodental

c)the tongue touching the teeth – dental

d)the tongue touching the alveolar ridge – alveolar

e)the back of the tongue touching the soft palate (or velum) – velar

These terms are used to describe the place of articulation for consonants.

The production of vowels is conditioned by the position of the tongue in the mouth. See sheet “What is a Vowel?“ for further information on the articulation of vowels.

Memorise the articulators- how to spell them correctly, and where they are located.

From Roach, Peter. (3rd Edition 2000) English Phonetics and Phonology. Cambridge University Press.

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