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TEST 5 A Transcription: Vowels, Diphthongs, Triphthongs

Write down these words. Say each to yourself silently. Then transcribe each carefully. Remember unstressed syllables are often schwa. Schwa is never in a stressed syllable.

1. court 2.whine 3.higher

4. gorilla 5.through 6. chews

7. wail 8. fir 9. throne

10.flour 11.site 12.flee

13. sun 14.rays 15.weight

16.prints 17.night 18.genes

19.past 20.deer

TEST 5 B Transcription: Vowels, Diphthongs, Triphthongs

Write down these words. Say each to yourself silently. Then transcribe each carefully. Remember unstressed syllables are often schwa. Schwa is never in a stressed syllable.

1. caught 2.wine 3.hire

4. guerilla 5. threw 6.choose

7. whale 8. fur 9. thrown

10.flower 11.sight 12.flea

13. son 14.raise 15.wait

16.prince 17.knight 18.jeans

19.passed 20.dear

Témata, do kterých materiál patří