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TEST 5 A Transcription Vowels, Diphthongs, Triphthongs

1.court /kɔːt/ 2.whine /waɪn/ 3.higher /haɪƏ/ 4.gorilla /gƏrɪlƏ/

5.through /θrUː/ 6.chews /ʧUːz/ 7.wail /weɪl/ 8.fir /fɜː/

9. throne /θrƏʊn/ 10.flour /flaʊƏ/ 11.site /saɪt/ 12.flee /fliː/

13.sun /sʌn/ 14.rays /reɪz/ 15.weight /weɪt/ 16.prints /prɪnts/

17.night /naɪt/ 18.genes/ʤiːnz/ 19.past /pɑːst/ 20.deer /dɪƏ/

TEST 5 B Transcription Vowels, Diphthongs, Triphthongs

1. caught /kɔːt/ 2.wine /waɪn/ 3.hire /haɪƏ/ 4.guerilla /gƏrɪlƏ/

5. threw /θrUː/ 6.choose /ʧUːz/ 7. whale/weɪl/ 8. fur /fɜː/

9. thrown /θrƏʊn/ 10.flower /flaʊƏ/ 11.sight /saɪt/ 12.flea /fliː/

13. son /sʌn/ 14.raise /reɪz/ 15.wait /weɪt/ 16.prince /prɪns/

17.knight /naɪt/ 18.jeans /ʤiːnz/ 19.passed /pɑːst/ 20.dear /dɪƏ/


1.These are all HOMOPHONES.

No. 16 prints and prince are not perfect homophones, phonologically speaking. In practice, however, as a result of ELISION – the loss of a sound or sounds, especially in rapid speech – prints sounds identical to prince.

2.Plural letter s is always pronounced /z/ eg rays unless the singular ends in voiceless /p/, /k/, /f/,/θ/.

3. Make sure you know the difference between these two word /reɪz/ raise and /reɪs/race.

The letter c is never /z/.

4. Check that you can distinguish between these commonly confused diphthongs:

/reɪz/ raise/rays /raɪz/ rise /dɪƏ/deer/dear /deƏ/ dare

/meɪ/ may /maɪ/ my /bɪƏ/ beer /beƏ/ bare /bear

/preɪz/ praise/prays /praɪz/ prize /fɪƏ/ fear /feƏ fare/fair

/weɪl/ whale/wail /waɪl/ while /hɪƏ/ here/hear /heƏ hair/hare

Témata, do kterých materiál patří