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8. Choose the correct singular or plural form from the brackets in each sentence.

Congratulations to the winner of our competition and what (is/are) today’s school (new/news)?

A suggestion has been put forward to do something about the old unused greenhouse. So if you have (an/any) (advice/advices) how to use it, let us know. More (information/informations) about the conditions (is/are) available at the office.

Our teachers complain about the poor quality of (homework/homeworks) which (has/have) been submitted recently. For example in 5.B only a couple of assignments (was/were) acceptable out of which 4 were really borderline. If students do not start to work hard, some official (measure/measures) (need/needs) to be taken.

Some games are not allowed at school. In particular, (dart/darts) (is/are) forbidden because of the danger to eyes.

There have also appeared complaints about the clothes students (is/are wearing). Both students and their parents are asked to avoid certain (good/goods) which (is/are) considered inappropriate while shopping for clothes (the list can be downloaded from our webpage). Not only students but also the (staff/staffs) (is/are) asked to dress decently.

A frequent cases of a theft have appeared recently. The police strongly (discourages/discourage) students from bringing valuable things into school.


You should pay attention to what he says; he is a close assistant of the managing director’s.

This friend of ours used to tell a story about when he was in Africa years ago.

My brothers-in-law are both doctors.

My brother-in-law’s parents have decided to emigrate.

The teacher wasn’t very pleased with Fido’s progress(the progress of Fido).

Our organization strives against the elimination of poverty (poverty’s elimination)

All staff are expected to attend the meeting tomorrow afternoon.

Dominoes is played by men in cafés.

You can’t hold a classical concert in the village hall; the acoustics are terrible.

At present 10,000 kilometres is the longest walking competition held in the Olympics.

I went to great pains to select the best staff available.

There’s a lesson I’ve learnt about parenthood (*a parenthood lesson I’ve learned).

I believe in an open mind, but not so open that your brains fall out.

Arthur Hays Sulzberger

Advice is what we ask for when we already know the answer but wish we didn't.

Erica Jong

Three o'clock is always too late or too early for anything you want to do.

Jean-Paul Sartre, Nausea (1938) "Vendredi"French author & existentialist philosopher (1905 - 1980)

What helps luck is a habit of watching for opportunities, of having a patient, but restless mind, of sacrificing one's ease or vanity, of uniting a love of detail to foresight, and of passing through hard times bravely and cheerfully.

Charles Victor Cherbuliez

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