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NOUNS - practice

1. Fill in the sentence with nouns derived from the words in italics.

  1. I decided this. It was my decision.

  2. Don’t be so anxious. Control your …………………

  3. I want to post a letter. What is the ………………… ?

  4. Try again. Have another …………………. .

  5. They tried him. I was at the …………………. .

  6. I do not say he is not efficient. – I do not question his ………………….. .

  7. I refused their offer. My ……………… is final.

  8. It was a pleasant experience for me. I did it with ………………………. .

  9. Murabu was held captive for 3 month. Murabu was in …………………. for 3 months.

  10. You have to be patient to succeed. – You need a lot of ……………….. to succeed.

  11. She hated him so much. I was surprised by the amount of …………….. I saw.

  12. Her behaviour is very suspicious. She is under ………………. of murder.

  13. They are short of food and shelter. – There is a ……………….. of food and shelter.

  14. She felt so proud as she watched him accept the award.- She felt such ………….. .

  15. After four months without rain the soil is completely dry. The severe ……….. has destroyed all the crops.

  16. It is so broad. – It’s ………… is really striking.

  17. They are so poor. They live in such ……………………… .

  18. You can say I am a coward, but I still will not fight in a war. – you can accuse me of ……………………., but I still will not fight in a war.

2. Give the masculine or feminine, as required, of the following words, or indicate that the word is of common gender.

  1. painter

  2. bridegroom 10. musician

  3. duke 11. god

  4. hero 12. lion

  5. landlady 13. heir

  6. man-servant 14. wizard

  7. master 15. horse

  8. ruler 16. ram

  9. steward 17. nun

3. Give the plural of :

  1. ox 11. means

  2. niece 12. salmon

  3. leaf 13. stimulus

  4. volcano 14. bath

  5. key 15. analysis

  6. safe 16. dozen

  7. phenomenon 17. penny

  8. criterion 18. information

  9. deer 19. bread

  10. valley 20. belief

4. Comment on interesting (i.e. irregular) forms of plurals of nouns in English

  • mouse, goose, foot

  • company, story, delay, delivery, key, way

  • chief, thief, roof, knife, safe

  • photo, studio, echo, hero

  • passer-by, commander-in-chief, police car, court-martial

  • deer, sheep, fish

  • crisis, analysis, thesis

  • chateau, bureau

  • phenomenon, criterion

  • trousers, scissors

  • army, jury, cast, committee

5. Read the sentences with the correct pronunciation:

  1. Paul objects to your behaviour.

  2. How many people were present at the meeting?

  3. How should I use this thing?

  4. I am afraid that to carry on this experiment is pointless.

  5. I’ve bought you a present.

  6. Our teacher has an Australian accent.

  7. It is rather a big cottage. It can house about 30 people.

  8. What would you advise me to do.

  9. He is a genuine rebel. He rebels against everything, no matter whether it is good or bad.

  1. Complete the pairs of sentences below using the suitable words in italics once as a countable and once as an uncountable noun:

glass, noise, paper, dinner, duty, room, pleasure, experience,

  1. Although I have ______________ of my own, I still do not have __________________ for all the sport equipment I need.

  2. If you go to town could you, please, bring me ________________- I would like to know how Sparta did in the last match. And I also need ________________ to wrap some parcels with.

  3. Shhhh! O think I heard ______________. Aren’t they coming? - I am not sure. It is difficult to hear because there is a lot of __________________.

  4. A new shopping centre has just been built in our area where it is really _______________ to shop, though I rarely shop for _____________ .

  5. Could you help me on Saturday? – Sorry I can’t. Every working day I am on ______________ from 6 a.m. to 4 p.m. so I consider it __________________ to myself to relax at the weekend.

  6. Working on a farm in Australia was quite ______________________. To become a good shepherd requires a lot of __________________________ .

  7. And what am I going to cook for ____________________ this evening? I think something simple, because tomorrow we are going to _______________________ organized by Bill Brown’s family to celebrate his nineteenth birthday.

  8. Do you sell ___________________ ? I mean could you cut a piece so that I could replace a broken window? Also I am hoping to find __________________ to replace the one I broke when I was washing up.

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