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Přednáška- Adverbs

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ADVERBS - practice

  1. Form adverbs from the following words:

Economic, economical, tragic, public, shy, dry, like, after, friendly difficult, due, true, dull

  1. Form the comparative and superlative of the following words:

Early, briefly, fast, rapidly, well, near, little, ill, far, cheerfully

  1. Correct the mistakes in the following sentences:

    1. Since he hardly works, he needs to rest at the weekend.

    2. How does she look like?

    3. I am elder than my brother.

    4. Peolpe like him. He behaves friendlily to everybody.

    5. I feel really poor today. I must have caught a cold.

    6. Oh you look well in your new dress.

  2. Rewrite the folowing sentences fronting the phrases in italics.

I have never in my life been so frightened.

We had scarcely reached the hut when it started to rain.

He was so exhausted that he could not eat.

You must not change your plans under any circumstances.

He plays the piano so well that he was offered a place in the orchestra.

He did not say a word of comfort.

He rarely came to visit her.

  1. The following sentences will be discussed in the seminar.

I deliberately didn't tell her. I didn’t deliberately tell her. He didn't tell her deliberately.

I really don't understand this. I don't really understand this.

They definitely don't want him. They don't definitely want him.

They really may be injured. They may be really injured.

I could only say a few words of comfort.

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