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Relative clauses-Exercise

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Relative clauses

1. Put the relatives and commas that are missing. Give alternatives, including possible ommissions.

  1. Sir James Blenkinsop ,…WHO……. is a radical Member of Parliament, is sometimes advised by those of his fellow MPs …WHO/THAT…….are socialists to give up Blenkinsop Hall, ……WHICH …………was left him by his father and choose a dwelling ……THAT/WHICH…………… would create a less aristocratic image.

  2. Sir James ,WHO/WHOM………………… I have discussed politics with several times, is a man ………WHO/THAT/X…………………… I respect despite the apparent discrepancy between his life style and the social philosophy of the political party …………THAT……………….. he belongs to. People criticise him without knowing his views , WHICH……………… is foolish.

  3. Blenkinsop Hall, the garden, …OF WHICH…………… is open to the public in summer, is a considerable attraction to tourists. This is a fact …WHICH/THAT……………… escapes many people’s notice and ……WHICH……………… Sir James pointed out.

  4. He also referred to the manor house in the neighbouring village, …WHICH………………… is now a college of education, with …WHICH………………….. the local people feel they have absolutely no social or historical connection. The worst thing …THAT….. could befall the Hall is a similar fate.

  5. The advantage of a supermarket is that you can buy …WHAT……………. you want at a place …WHERE……………….. you can park your car.

( Gethin, H. Grammar in Context. Longman)

2. Combine the following group of sentences so that the second sentence becomes a relative clause modifying the underlined word in the first sentence. Punctuate carefully. Use the most economical alternative.

The man is a very prominent lawyer.

Mr. Novák is talking to him at the moment.

  • The man Mr. Novák is talking to at the moment is a very prominent lawyer.

3. Change the second sentence in each group into a relative clause and insert it in the space in the first sentence. Give alternatives, including possible omissions.

The company SHE WORKS FOR… employs many people.

She works for the company.

Prof. Emery, ABOUT WHOM EVERYONE IS TALKING THESE DAYS, has wrtitten a very controversial book.

Everyone is talking about him these days.

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