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Dear Joan,

Me, I’m sitting here at my desk writing to you. What’s outside my window is a big lawn surrounded by trees and it’s a flower bed that’s in the middle of the lawn. When it was full of daffodils and tulips was in the spring. Here you’d love it. It’s you who must come and stay sometime; what we’ve got is plenty of room.

Love, Sally

Dear Joan,

I’m sitting here at my desk writing to you. A big lawn surrounded by trees is outside my window and a flower bed is in the middle of the lawn. It was full of daffodils and tulips in the spring. You’d love it here. You must come and stay sometime; we’ve got plenty of room.

Love, Sally

Dear Joan,

I’m sitting here at my desk writing to you. Outside my window is a big lawn surrounded by trees, and in the middle of the lawn is a flower bed. It was full of daffodils and tulips in the spring. You’d love it here. You must come and stay sometime; we’ve got plenty of room.

Love, Sally

theme (topic) rheme (comment)

1. I ´m sitting here ...

2. Outside my window is a big lawn ... – “a” = non-generic article (new information)

3. In the middle of the lawn is a flower bed.

4. This bed was full of daffodils ...

5. You ´d love it here.

6. You must come and stay;

7. We ´ve got plenty of room.

Option (a): theme1 rheme1

theme2 rheme2

theme3 etc.

Option (b): theme1 rheme1

theme1 rheme2

theme1 etc.

As you will no doubt have been told, we have our own photographic club and darkroom. The club is called ´Monomanor´ and there is an annual fee of £5. The money goes towards replacing any equipment worn out by use, or purchasing new equipment. Monomanor runs an annual competition with prizes, judging being done and prizes awarded at the garden party in the summer term. Besides the competition, we also have talks and/or film shows during the other terms.

theme2 rheme2

theme3 rheme3 theme4 rheme4

I am I hate

Claudia Cassaigne Being badly dressed

I live Being broke

rue Martel, Paris My perfume is

I work Feminine

in the centre of Paris Light

I like Very chic

Classical ballet For the evenings

English humour Cavale. C´est Moi

Cooking Chinese food

Drinking Champagne

Témata, do kterých materiál patří