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Syntactic functions of the infinitive

(Based on Dušková, L. a kol. Mluvnice současné angličtiny na pozadí češtiny. Academia/Praha 1988.

Quirk, R. et al. A Student´s Grammar of the English Language. Longman 1993.)

TO –infinitive clauses

Subject: To be neutral in this conflict is out of the question.

Object: He likes to relax.

Subject complement: The best excuse is to say that you have an exam tomorrow.

Appositive: Your ambition, to become a farmer, requires a lot of energy.

Adjectival complementation: I’m very eager to meet him.


Introductory IT

To leave early would be impolite. It would be impolite to leave early.

To play with him was great fun. It was great fun to play with him.

To reach an agreement proved impossible. It proved impossible to reach an agreement.

An agreement proved impossible to reach. (typically English)

To write for your journal is a pleasure. It is a pleasure to write for your journal.

Your journal is a pleasure to write for. (typically English)

If a TO-infinitive clause has a subject – FOR

It was impossible FOR me to refuse.

It was difficult FOR him to pass the test.

The test was difficult FOR him to pass. (typically English)



He refused to cooperate.

I want to buy a new coat.

Infinitive - OBJECT direct

the SUBJECT of the main verb is the SUBJECT of the INFINITIVE

I can’t decide whether to go or not.

I don’t know what to choose.


I want you to help me.

The DOER of the INFINITIVE action is NOT the OBJECT of the main verb.


I told him to wait.

She advised you to buy a new coat.

Infinitive - OBJECT direct after OBJECT indirect (ditransitive verbs)

The DOER of the INFINITIVE action is the OBJECT of the main verb.

(Common to both predications.)


I authorized my bank to pay her 3,000 pounds.

Infinitive – COMPLEMENT after OBJECT direct

The DOER of the INFINITIVE action is the OBJECT of the main verb.

(Common to both predications.)


I saw him come.

I saw him coming.

The DOER (SUBJECT) of the INFINITIVE action is NOT the OBJECT of the main verb.

The DOER (SUBJECT) of the INFINITIVE action is the OBJECT of the main verb.

(Common to both predications.)

Adjectival complementation

I’m sorry to have caused a delay. (that I have caused a delay.)

John is eager to please.

John is easy to please.

Jane was difficult to train.

He is not eager FOR me to become his successor.

TO infinitive phrases and relative/adverbial clauses

He phoned me so as/ in order to confirm the date.

He opened the door for her to go out.

I shudder to think about it.

He was the first guest to arrive.

I have two important phone calls to make.

The best time to see him is in the morning.

I have no idea how to achieve it.

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