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Comment on the syntactic functions of the infinitives

  1. To understand is to forgive. – subject, complement

  2. For him to give so much time to a single story was unusual. - subject

  3. The scheme is impossible to put into effect. ↓ (tough movement (O-S))

– We can say: It is impossible to put the scheme into effect. – function: subject

  1. The disease is so easy to prevent but almost impossible to cure. – ↓subject – tough movement

- We can say: It is easy to prevent the disease but almost impossible to cure it.

  1. I have other business to attend. – post-modification (which business?) by means of non-finite clause

  2. It was the only vehicle to pass the hotel at that hour. – post-modification

  3. She knew when to keep quiet. - object

  4. My return passage is timed for the end of February. By then I hope to have gathered sufficient material for a travel book about Australia. – object V

O Adverbial

  1. He watched her look for the key under the window. –

S V O (expressed by NF clause)

S V prepositional O Adverbial

He watched her look for the key under the window. –

S V O C (expressed by NF clause)

V O Adverbial

  1. I wouldn’t advise you to drive, not in your condition. – object (you = indirect object, to drive = direct object)

  2. I phoned John to book the tickets. - object

  3. I phoned John to say good bye. – infinitive of purpose

  4. He was sorry not to have been given the opportunity to take up the challenge. – first infinitive: adjectival complementation; second infinitive: PM

  5. To him all writers were children, creatures to be tolerated and encouraged. – post-modification

  6. I only called up to cancel an appointment. – infinitive of purpose

  7. She awoke to find the room full of sunshine. – indirect purpose

  8. Can I trust you not to open this parcel? - object

  9. What do you expect an attractive girl to do? – object (attractive girl = Subject of infinitive clause)

  10. His mother had always warned him not to swim too soon after his meal. – Object complement

  11. She would have lain down on the ground for him to walk on. – infinitive of purpose

(Libuše Duškova – Syntax současné angličtiny, UK Praha)

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