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  1. Student´s who haven´t attended seminars regularly cannot be awarded credit by the teacher. Every semester is followed by the examination therm in the end of September students have to visit the registrar´s office office and submit their registration Books. Students who want to continue studying in the next years have to do this after each academie year. (6 points)

  2. When do students use the right to do a re-sit? (2 points)

  3. Translate: (6 points)

volitelné předměty – optional subject

povinná přednáška – obligatory exam, lecture

zúčastnit se promoce – attend graduation

klasifikovaný zápočet – qualified credit

úřad děkana – dean´s office

centrum sportovního výzkumu- centrum of sport research ( sport research centre )

II.) Concept of sport and PE

  1. What are common responsibilities of profesional sportsman? (4 points)

To train hard and to follow the contract,

  1. What happens to a sportsman who is tested positive in the anti-doping testing hold after a competiton? (2points)

He get´s disqualificated,

  1. Complete: In the match me opponent is the winner and the other is then the …… (1 points)


  1. What does a draw (i.e. a tie) in a football match mean? (1 points)

Both teams get the same number of goals,

III.) Categorization of sport branches

  1. Namet he 4 phases of the long jump attempt (4)

run-up, jump, fly, land

  1. In which other winter sports besides ice-hockey do they move on the ice? (6)

Figure skating, speed skating, sledge ice-hockey, short track, curling, skeleton

  1. Translate: Při rozjížďce jsem zlomil veslo a nemohl jsem ovládat svojí veslici. (3)

I broke my oar in a heat and I wasn't able to control my rowboat

Iv.) Human body

  1. Which parts of the body do Alpine skiers protect? (5)

head, face, shin, hands/wrists

  1. Two bones are connected by a joint. And this connection is reinferced by ligaments (2)

V.) Fitness

  1. Try to define the ability of edurance. (2)

Endurance is the ability of the heart and lungs to supply fuel to working areas of the body during sustained physical activity. To improve your cardiorespiratory endurance, it is necessary to perform activities that elevate your heart rate for a sustained length of time.

  1. Translate: Gymnasté a skokani do vody potřebují výbornou časo-prostorovou orientaci při provádění salt s vruty. (3)

Gymnasts and divers need great time-space orientation during performing somersults and twists

VI.) Positions and movements

  1. What warious movements can one do with the arm? (4)

abduction, adduction, stretching, twisting, pushing pulling, circling

  1. Translate: (7)

stahněte břišní svaly – contract the abdominal muscles

lehněte si na žíněnku – lie on your matt

stůjte na špičkách – stand on toes

dejte ruce v bok – put your hands on your hip

udělejte vzpor klečmo – do a knee support

nad laťkou prohni záda – arch (sag) your back over the bar

nezvedejte zadek – don´t push up your buttocks

  1. Choose 2 positions/exercises for the warm-up or stretching and give instruction to performers (4 points for each)

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