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In Company Answer Key

3 Making Calls

page 15


a misunderstood b sounded c had d kept e shouted f lost g wished h tried i wanted

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The caller gets angry because the person who answers the call is abrupt and doesn’t give full answers.

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Hello, accounts department. Marius Pot speaking.

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He hesitates a lot and has not prepared what to say.

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This is Ramon Berenguer from Genex Pharmaceuticals. Can I speak to Catherine Mellor, please? It’s about an invoice.

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a Can I help you?

b Can/May I ask who’s calling? / Can/May I have your name, please?

c Can/Could you spell that, please?

d Can I give her a message?

e Can you tell him I called?

f Can you read that back to me?

g Can you speak up, please?

h Can you tell me when she’ll be back?

i Can you get back to me within the hour?

j Can you ask him/her to call me back?

k Can I get back to you on that?

l Can I leave a message?

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a 4 b 1 c 2 d 6 e 3 f 5

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a about five

b It was finished on time.

c the quarterly accounts

d this morning

e a week

f (students’ own ideas)

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/d/: phoned, explained, e-mailed, delivered, called, tried

/t/: faxed, finished, talked, despatched, discussed, booked

/Id/: corrected, wanted, started, included, expected, waited

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a Hi, it's Seiji. Listen, the negotiations here in Nagoya are going pretty well, but we seem to be deadlocked on price. Can you authorise me to offer them a 14% discount on 50,000? I think that should do it.

b Hi, it's Jim. Listen, I'm in a bit of a panic. I'm at the Expo in Dublin and, you won't believe this, but I've lost the memory stick with my entire presentation on it! Could you e-mail over my slides as attachments as soon as possible? Thanks!

c Hi. Tony here. I'm still stuck in a meeting here at head office. Are you making progress with the conference arrangements? Please make sure you contact the speakers to confirm their attendance. Cheers.

d Hi, Kate here. I'm with the people from Microsoft in Seattle and they're querying our invoice for the third quarter. Can you ask someone in accounts to check the figures and reinvoice them if necessary? Thanks.

e Hello, this is Alicia. This is urgent. I really need a copy of the Turin report from you by tomorrow afternoon at the latest. Call me straight back if you're having problems.

f Hi there, this is Mike. Listen, I've got an appointment over at your offices on Friday. Do you want to meet up? Maybe go for a beer or something? Oh, by the way, Ian sends his regards.

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Returning a call

Call 1

1 Sylvia Wright’s

2 to know how the meeting with the people from Tesco Supermarkets went


1 Hello. This is Patterson Meats,

2 Sylvia Wright’s office. Thank you

3 for calling. I’m afraid

4 I’m not able to take

5 your call right now,

6 but if you’d like to leave

7 a message or send

8 a fax, please do so

9 after the tone, and I’ll get back

10 to you as soon as I can.

Call 2

1 b 2 a 3 b 4 Sorry about that. I just had to sign something. Where were we? 5 UK customers accepting kangaroo meat.

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