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In Company Answer Key

15 Snail Mail

page 87


a mail b letters c forms d trade journals e contracts f copies, diagrams g record, receipts h invoices, figures i memos, post-it j questionnaires, report

page 88


Communication Channels

a to b about c on d e up f with g on h of i for j for k off l with

page 88


In a rush

The letter should have Ms Ramalho’s address at the top left-hand side.

22nd February

Dear Ms Ramalho.

Thank you for your letter of February 9 and for your interest in the new Xenon digital communication system.

I’m sorry you were unable to attend our presentation in São Paulo last month, but I am delighted to tell you we are planning another one in Brasilia on April 30.

In the meantime, I enclose a copy of our latest catalogue and current price list.

If you have any questions or would like further information concerning our company and its products, please don’t hesitate to contact me again.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely [or Best wishes]

Page 88


Could I see you a moment?

December 3rd

Dear Mr Barghiel,

I am/’m writing to confirm our appointment on December 7th. Of course, I have your address, but I wonder if you could send me instructions on how to get to your office because I will be coming by car.

Many thanks. I am very much looking forward to meeting you.

Yours sincerely,

May 7th

Dear Dr Garland,

With reference to your order (ref No. 606-1), I regret to inform you that the DCS1 is currently out of stock. May I suggest you consider upgrading to the DCS2? If you are interested, I would be happy to send you details.

Let me know if I can be of any further help.

Yours sincerely,

page 89


What’s missing?

a How are things with you?

b I apologise for not replying sooner.

c Further to our telephone conversation yesterday ...

d See you at the weekend.

e I thought I’d send you a copy of this article.

f Sorry I wasn’t there to meet you when you called.

g Yours sincerely, Brian Green

h It was a great pleasure meeting you last week.

i Take care of yourself.

j How’s it going?

k Thank you for your letter of May 6.

l Get back to me as soon as you can.

m I look forward to hearing from you.

n With reference to your fax of/dated June 3, ...

o I am writing with regard to your recent advertisement.

p I’ll be in touch in the next couple of weeks or so.

q If I can be of any further assistance, do please contact me again.

r Let me know when you’re next in Zagreb.

s It was nice talking to you the other day.

t Please pass on my regards to your sales manager, Ms Fontaine.

page 89


Formal Informal Beginning b, c, h, k, n, o a, e, f, j, s End g, m, q, r, t d, i, l, r, p

page 91-92


Language links

Crossed in the post

Vocabulary: Prepositions

Prepositional phrases

Dear Mr Savage,

Thank you for your letter of 12th April. I’m very sorry about the difficulties you’ve had in getting one of our engineers to come and repair the alarm system we installed in January. Please accept my apologies. I am as concerned about the delay as you are.

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