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www.monacor.de                                    SPH-225C                         27.02.2016       page 1 / 2

  Product Detail Page


Order-No.: 10.4130
Hi-fi Bass Speakers and Hi-fi Bass-Midrange SpeakersExtra high quality, perfect workmanship and elegant design, with
aluminium basket, carbon fibre cone and extra long excursion, an impulsive
and deep bass reproduction from a partly surprisingly small size.

High-end bass speaker, 150 WMAX, 120 WRMS, 8 Ω

High-rigidity cone
Extra long excursion
Small loss and low distortion
For an impressive fundamental bass in any high-quality hi-fi
combination and smaller subwoofers
Also possible as a bass-midrange speaker in 2-way combinations
Suitable for cabinets of extra small dimensions

Klang+Ton 06/2014"Used in the speaker building concept MonaLisa: usually rather unobtrusive
with a harmonised tuning, this speaker can still show an impressive
performance, even at very high volume levels and when listening over
longer periods of time. It provides a powerful bass and midrange
reproduction and features an elegance which can only be realised with
high-quality materials."

Impedance (Z)

8 Ω

Frequency range

f3-3,000 Hz

Resonant frequency (fs)

39 Hz

Rec. crossov. frequ. (fmax.) (12 dB/oct.)

Music power

150 WMAX

Power rating (P)

100 WRMS


90 dB

Max. voltage


Radiation angle


Suspension compl. (Cms)

0.43 mm/N

Moving mass (Mms)

36.6 g

Mech. Q factor (Qms)


Electr. Q factor (Qes)


Total Q factor (Qts)


www.monacor.de                                    SPH-225C                         27.02.2016       page 2 / 2

Equivalent volume (Vas)

24 l

DC resistance (Re)

5.9 Ω

Force factor (BxL)

13.17 Tm

Voice coil induct. (Le)

0.8 mH

Voice coil diameter

50 mm

Voice coil former


Linear excursion (XMAX)

±6 mm

Eff. cone area (Sd)

201 cm2

Magnet weight

1.1 kg

Magnet diameter

Mounting cutout


Mounting depth


Mounting hole diameter



Outside diameter





3.5 kg


Témata, do kterých materiál patří