HPRA - sample questions a odpovědi na testy z minulých let
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Sample test questions
Which maxim(s)/principles explain the use of the word second in the following request even if it is obvious the wait will take a minute or two? [4,-1]
Do you think you could wait a second?
"size of imposition" tím že řekneš a second naznačuješ, že se opravdu bude jednat o minimální čas -> snažíš se zkrátka snížit svoje nároky co nejvíc to jde, aby to pro tebe ten druhý udělal
Flouting of Maxim of Quality (sám vím, že říkám lež)
Minimize the expressions of beliefs which involve cost to others (i.e. doing something unpleasant) -> odpověď z multiple choice z jednoho starého testu
Comment on a video (usually 1-2 minutes; played twice) from the point of view of pragmatics/a given pragmatic phenomenon. Explain, in pragmatic terms, why an extract is humorous.
(e.g. https://youtu.be/BTIfGFJqLko?t=304)
Determine the likely implicature of B’s answer and describe how it is arrived at.
A: [looking for his book] Where’s my book?
B: The room seems untidy.
Generalyzed conversational implicature
Comment on the following headline from the point of view of explicature.
Žena našla na pláži záhadné stvoření bez očí, odborníci si nevědí rady
This utterance is as explicit as possible – all information are given, nothing is hidden.
The utterance If only I could take a ride in my own car! said by a man who does not own a car [4,-1]
demonstrates the defeasibility of presupposition - nejspíš
is a violation of the Maxim of Quality
is a declarative speech act
is a commissive speech act
Answering with an evasive account of how beautiful a party was after a jealous husband asks who was at the party [4,-1]
suspending the Maxim of Relevance
flouting the Maxim of Relevance
violating the Maxim of Relevance
violating the Maxim of Quality
What is the conventional implicature of John hasn’t even finished his thesis yet? [4,-1]
John was supposed to do something else by now, he should have completed the essay long ago.
Supply the request Do you have a pencil? with a happenstance indicator. [4,-1]
Do you have a pencil, by any chance?
Give an example of a sentence entailed by the following sentence?
All swallows can carry a coconut.
All one-eyed swallows can carry a coconut.
Identify the presuppositions and their triggers (including the class of triggers they belong to)
Where did you encounter the Knights of Ni?
Give an example of a speech act which needs an uptake in order to be successful and complete.
Collaborative performative – “I bet you 5 dollars…” “I challenge you to…” “I bequeath you…” (you don’t have to accept bequet, challenge or a bet)
Why is the word právě used in Úloha má právě tři řešení in the assertion in mathematical discourse? Which maxim is operational here, and how?
List the properties of conversational implicature.
Cancellability & defeasibility, calculability, reinforceability, universality, non-convectionality, detachability
List and exemplify types of speech acts as classified by Searle.