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English history from 1603

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English history from 1603

a) History from 1603

1. The civil war

After Elizabeth the Stuart’s came to the English throne. One of Stuart’s was Charles I. He ignored parliament and prevented1 it for meeting for eleven years until he needed its help to rise the tax for the war against Scotland. When the parliament opposed2 him, he wanted to arrest the main leaders and therefor the relation3 between parliament and Charles I. became so bad, that the civil war started in 1642. The majority of the Gentry supported parliament in this war. After Oliver Cromwell let to victory in 1645 Charles I. was executed4 and Cromwell became Lord Protector. England became the republic.

2. The restoration 1660

After Cromwell’s death the monarchy was destroyed, because Cromwell’s son was unable to follow his father. In 1660 Charles II. was invited to sit on the throne of a country. The plague and the great fire in 1666, which destroyed most of the city of London during his reign, were considered as a anger5 of the God for puritans. Then reigned James II. He released the idea of necessary government and parliament. Parliament was dominated by two groups - the Whigs (Liberal party) and the Tories (Conservative party). The Whigs was exclude Charles’s catholic brothers, the Tories promoted the royality.

3. The glorious revolution 1688

After James’s death parliament agreed to invite William III. of Orange and Marry to take the crown. This revolution was bloody. The Bill of Right(no Catholic could claim6 the throne), which made obligatory7 to rule the parliament system, accompanied8 it. They outlaw catholic and that English king haven’t been allowed to be Catholic.

4. 18th and 19th century

Queen Ann united England with Scotland in 1707 and Scottish and English parliament became one. She didn’t have children. There were some descendants of James II.(George I) in Hanover and they were Protestants. They didn’t want to change their religion. They became English kings in Germany, they didn’t speak English and they didn’t spend much time in England. It was reason that new post - prime minister - was risen. The first Prime Minister was Walpole. The British colonized Canada and India.

The agriculture9 revolution - Farms were connected with large fields and agriculture production was increased.

The industrial revolution - Industry was transformed and a lot of machines were used and great factories were founded. There were also a lot of successful inventions in Britain.

Population boom - In 1700 live in Britain 5 millions of people and in 1821 already 14 millions.

5. Queen Victoria - born in 1819, reign 1837-1901.

British products were exported all over the world. Because of poor workers trade unions were founded. Queen Victoria created large empire, which was situated in the 1/4 of the world. British Empire was so large because of commercial reasons, military and strategic reasons. In this period were many changes in British institutions and in ways of life. Queen Victory wanted to be informing about government policy and she was politically neutral. She made the life of aristocracy and arranged party very often. This fact enabled people to agree with her like a widow10. She is known for her values. She promoted11 discipline of the family and the Puritanism of public life. During her reign Prime Minister was Disraeli and after him Gladstone. The reign of Queen Victoria was successful and without war in England.

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