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Lesson 02 - Division of Law

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Some English courts specialize only in civil or criminal cases _____________ the Czech courts which all deal with both civil and criminal matters.

Could you substitute the linking words from the gaps with their synonyms?

3.3 COMPULSORY WRITING ASSIGNMENT: Write down a short text (200 – 250 words) comparing and contrasting civil and criminal procedure in England. Structure the text into paragraphs – one paragraph for developing one idea, and connect ideas with suitable linking words from the previous exercise. If you use any sources, cite them, please.

4. Language practice. Choose the possible class of concepts to be used in the following definitions (sometimes only one class is possible, sometimes more):

an order of the court

a civil wrong

a wrongful act

a party

illegal behavior

a property arrangement

a sum of money

unlawful conduct

a) A tort might be explained as .........................................which causes harm, damage, injury to an individual's person, property or reputation.

b) A trust may be defined as ...................................which aims at transferring the property to one or more trustees who become the legal owner(s) who hold and administer the property for the benefit or advantage of another person or a group of persons or for a specific purpose.

c) Crime may be explained as ...................................which is prosecuted and punished by the State.

d) A plaintiff could be explained as ..............................who takes a legal action against somebody in a civil case.

e) A defendant could mean ....................................who is either sued for damages or compensation because of causing harm to somebody else or charged with committing an offence.

f) Damages may be referred to as ................................which the court orders the defendant to pay to the plaintiff as compensation for a breach of contract or tort.

g) An injunction might be explained as ........................................which is awarded against the defendant not to do something or to do something.

h) A prosecutor could be defined as ....................................who brings a criminal charge against the defendant.

Tricky words from this lesson:


- be careful about the translation into Czech, it depends on the context (civil X criminal law)

party, action, to try

- words you know from everyday English but they have special meaning in the legal context


II. System of courts in England and in the Czech Republic

Exercise 1: text adapted from: http://www.findlaw.co.uk/law/dispute_resolution/courts_system/court_and_tribunals/500115.html

chart from: http://www.supremecourt.gov.uk

Exercise 2: text simplified & chart based on information from: http://portal.justice.cz/Justice2/ms/ms.aspx?o=23&j=221&k=2566&d=16585

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