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Lesson 02 - Division of Law

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b) To win a __________________ the claimant must prove the legal liability of the defendant.

c) U.S. federal courts __________________ cases involving federal laws.

d) When one party __________________ the contract, the other party can sue for damages.

5.3 Translate into English/Czech:

žalobce a žalovaný

spáchat trestný čin

utrpět újmu

žalovat o odškodné/náhradu škody

být obžalován z krádeže

vyšetřovat podezřelého

odsouzený pachatel

the defendant was found guilty

monetary loss

to hire a lawyer

the defendant paid damages

loss of liberty

rights and liabilities

to commence legal proceedings

6. Revision: Explaining the difference between civil and criminal procedure to the public. Student A - You are a journalist interviewing a lawyer on the differences between civil and criminal procedure. Prepare questions. Student B - You are a lawyer answering the questions. Your audience is general public.

II System of courts in England and in the Czech Republic

1. Study the chart outlining the system of courts in England (and Wales) and fill in the gaps in the text below with the appropriate names of courts:

There are a wide variety of different types of courts and tribunals in England, some of which are highly specialized and deal only with certain types of matters, nevertheless, all of the courts fall, more or less, into a fairly well-defined hierarchy.

Minor criminal offences are tried at the Magistrates Courts which also handle certain domestic matters and youth court matters. Most civil litigation, such as contract and tort matters, cases involving debt collection or a "slip and fall" accident, takes place in the (1) _________________.

The (2) _________________ handles trials of serious criminal offences where the defendant normally has a right to a trial by jury. It also hears certain appeals from the Magistrates' Courts, and can also be involved in sentencing a person convicted of a crime in the Magistrates' Courts.

The (3) _________________ is both an appellate court (for certain decisions from lower courts and tribunals) and a court of first instance for cases of particular significance or value.

It has three divisions: The (4) _________________ hears cases involving contract and tort law matters, the Chancery Division handles cases involving trust law, probate matters, tax and bankruptcy, and the (5) _________________ handles matrimonial and other family law cases.

For most cases in England, the (6) _________________ will be the final court of appeal. It is split into the Criminal Division and the (7) _________________, with its jurisdiction divided accordingly.

The (8) _________________ hears and decides appeals from lower courts on matters that are of general public importance. For example, if there is an unresolved question about how a particular statute is to be interpreted, it might hear an appeal that raises that point in order to try to settle the uncertainty surrounding it. The _________________ hears appeals of all type of civil cases and all criminal cases.

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