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So, first of all I’d like to say what the word „communication“ means. Communication is defined as a sharing information with others by speaking, writing, moving your body or using other signals. It’s really important part of our lives, because we communicate practically every day, and it would be very difficult to survive without communication. It keeps us in touch with other people, helps us in our everyday lives, and it also informs us about the world around.

And now I would like to talk about some of the means of communication that we developed throughout the years and we’re still developing.

The first way of communication is through the telephones. In the first telephones the voice was transferred by the wires, but they were later replaced by the mobile phones that use wireless technologies. The invention of the mobiles, which dates back to the 70’s, brought the rapid development of mobile phones technologies. Nowadays, we can also use phones to send text messages (known as SMS), but also to make video calls or to connect to the Internet. They also have many other functions, such as the camera or the music player. So the development of mobiles could have adverse effects on the economy of the products like calculators, MP3 players, cameras and camcorders. Because its more convenient to have all of these things in one.

An advantage of telephones is that we can talk straightly to the person we are calling even through long distance.

Some of the disadvanteges could be that the mobiles sometimes could take too much of our time and we can become addicted to them. And there are also some researches that say that the using of mobiles could promote the development of the brain cancer but they haven’t been properly proven yet.

So overall mobile phones have proved to be a big benefit for people.

Nowadays the Internet is probably the most important mean of communication. To simplify it we could say that the Internet is a system connecting millions of computers around the world.

It’s an accessible source of information because I think we can find there almost everything we can imagine. It also serves as a connection with our friends and family who can live in faraway places. We also can buy goods on the Internet or watch films, play games, read news etc.

The best-known service provided as the part of the Internet is World Wide Web which is combination of text, graphic and multimedia. You need some web browser to browse troughout the World Wide Web. The most widely used are Windows Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox or Opera.

The Internet as we know it these days was created in the early 90’s and it spread quickly all around the world from tens of thousands of users to over a billion of users. After these years of progress, we can use lots of different communication programs based on different technologies and their popularity is still increasing.

One of the oldest is probably the e-mail which practically replaced the letters. The main advantages are the speed of sent messages and quite high level of the privacy. And the disadvantage is for example a large amount of spam which is an unwanted e-mail.

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