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19) Money

I guess the topic money is a very important one. Because money is strongly connected with our lives.

Even if it’s said that money can’t buy us happiness, love or health, if we admit it or not, money influences all of us and changes our lives indeed. These days people are trying to earn as much money as possible. But there is a question if it’s a good way to be happy – because the more money you have the more you should be aware of the danger it brings along.

The definition of money is that it‘s a special kind of property which is convertible for any other kind of merchandise. It is also possible to express every merchandise in money.

Money has a very important role in today’s world and it’s almost impossible to imagine living without it because we have to pay for all the material things we need.

We use money every day for many different kinds of activities and we exchange it for the goods we want to buy. Without money we couldn’t go shopping, go to restaurant, use public transport or go to enjoy culture and entertainment.

The first money was made from precious metals such as gold, silver or their alloys and they had the same value as the metal. Later bank-notes were invented and coins started to be made out of steel. And the value has become much bigger than the price of the material.

Nowadays, each country has its own currency. In our country we use Czech crowns now, but in the future we may accept the euro because the CR is a member of the EU.

There is a question if is money really so important as some people claim? I think so because in people’s eyes money gives you a certain social status, rich people are usually more respected in society than those who earn less money. But of course it’s not the most important thing in the world.

Many people also judge the others by their income. Even if it isn’t right and it’s unfair I think everybody sometimes do that. But we should realize that a person must be appreciated by the value of his character and not according to the amount of money he owns.

I think it’s important to parents teach their children the value of money as soon as possible. They should give them pocket money but not just like that but for example for doing housework. I think when the children deserve money they will appreciate it more. However, I don’t think it’s good idea to give children money for good marks at school because children should realize that they don’t study because of money but because of themselves. On the other hand, money sometimes can be a good motivation.

I personally try to save money which I get from my parents or I earn at some part-time jobs but because I’m student it isn’t always easy. When I want to buy something, usually some piece of clothes, I don’t want to ask my parents for money so I rather take money I’m saving.

Because in today’s world it is quite difficult to earn money we should have a plan to wisely save and spend.

It is profitable to open a saving account which will increase the amount of money we have.

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