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We should also spend our money rationally. We should buy only the things we really need and which we are really going to use. And we should also not to follow every advertisement because they are made to make us spend as much money as possiible. We also have to be careful before we fancy some offers of discount because they are often untrue and we might buy unnecessary things because of them.

I have to admit that I’m also sometimes influenced by commercials but I think it’s in kind of good way because by commercials I get to know about new products I’m interested in and without advertising I wouldn’t know about them.

If I needed some money very badly I would borrow it. But only from the people who are close to me and I can trust to, from my family members or friends, I would never borrow it from bank or some credit company because the loans are usually quite inconvenient and you pay back much more money than you have borrowed. Some people also do a mistake that when they aren’t able to repay, they try to fix it by taking another loan and it’s always a way to bankruptcy.

On the other hand I think the mortgage is very useful, especially for young couples which would like to settle down and start a family, but they don’t have enough money and can‘t afford to buy a flat or a house. Because the mortgage is a long term loan, the part payments aren’t so high for families where both of the partners work and earn money.

Shopping is a neccessary activity in our lifes. We all have to buy food, clothes and other needed things.

There are many types of shops like small specialized shops where is usually a large selection from one kind of goods, for example butcher‘s, jewellery or bookshop. Then there are supermarkets where are all kinds of goods in one place and large shopping centres, where is a lot of different shops with different articles, also restaurants and often cinema. Nowadays internet shopping is also very popular.

I find shopping online very practical and convenient but not always. I usually buy some electronics on the Internet because I can compare the offers from several pages, find all the parameters and choose the best price. It’s also good when you don’t have enough time to go shopping or when you‘re buying those things which you’ve already chosen in a normal shop but they are cheaper on the Internet. On the other hand I don’t buy clothes and shoes online, I always must try them on and see how they fit and look and the sizes would be also a problem. While shopping online you have to include postal charge to the price, too.

While buying things, we have many ways to pay for them. We can pay in cash, we can withdraw the money from the cash machines or we can pay by credit card. The advantage of the credit card is that you don’t have to carry loads of cash in your wallet, but not all the shops accept credit cards. There is also a risk that you will spend more money than you have on your account and you overdraw it. It never happens to you with cash.

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