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21) Job and career

Jobs are very important mostly in an adult’s life because they are usually a source of money. Having a good job also gives you a kind of social status. Unemployed people are often considered as lazy people who don’t want to work, even if it always isn‘t their fault.

We should choose what kind of job we would like to do at secondary school. And we should realize if we need any further education for our career. When somebody wants to do a manual job he usually don’t have to keep on studying. The main part of this working hours is manual work in jobs like cook, electrician, car mechanic or hair-dresser. The secondary education is enough there.

Then, there are also jobs such as medical doctor, lawyer and teacher where you need some special knowledge and university education.

I think that the main differences between these two types of jobs are in salary and in the length and frequency of the working hours.

Special kinds of jobs are art jobs. They are actors, singers, painters etc, which are often well-known and well-paid.

These days, we have many different jobs and professions. We can divide them into „good“ and „bad“ jobs.

„Good“ jobs are usually those that are well-paid and prestigious. It’s for example a lawyer, doctor, manager, businessman and many more.

Then, there are also the „average“ jobs, these are the jobs that most of the employees do, such as a secretary, office jobs etc.

And the last group are the „bad“ jobs, those that aren’t well-paid or they’re very difficult to do, like coal miner, cleaning staff and others.

But, if you think more about it, there is not exactly a „good“ or „bad“ job. Everyone of us like something different. So, I think the important thing is if you like your job. And if you’re not satisfied with it, maybe you should change it. Because staying in a job you don’t like will probably make you unhappy and discontented.

If you want to have a job, you have to get it first. I’ll briefly describe the usual way how to get one.

If you look for a job, you can try to find thee advertisements in the newspapers or on the Internet on some job servers. These websites are very useful, because you can look for the ads and you can also place your CV there and wait for the offers.

When you find the job you would like to apply for, first you have to send your CV and a letter of application to the company. The CV should be structured and well-arranged. It should include your personal details, education, qualifications, work experience, your interests, hobbies and your health issues, if there are any. You just have to show everything you can do. Knowledge of languages is also very important these days, usually more languages you speak, the higher chances you have.

In the application letter, you should explain the reasons why you want to do this job and express your personal qualities. You should convince your future employer that you’re seriously interested.

If your CV and your letter attract the people in the company, they may ask you to come for an interview. When you’re invited to the interview, you should wear some nice formal clothes and you should look confident and capable for the job. The important thing is also asking the questions about the job, like the working time, conditions, etc. And also if you ask questions about the company it will make you look more interested.

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