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The problem connected with jobs is surely the unemployment. There are two kinds of unemployment, voluntary and involuntary. Voluntary unemployment is made by people who don’t want to get a job, they’re not registrated at the employment agency and they just chose doing nothing and have a lazy life. Involuntary unemployment is made by people who lost their job, they’re registrated at the employment agency and they try to find another one. The unemployment rate in the Czech Republic is about 9%, which is quite an average number.

In the last two or three years the unemployment rised because of the economic crisis. A lot of companies had to dismiss some employees and they couldn’t find new jobs because there were no work opportunities. But I think it’s slowly gettting better, the crisis is ending and new work positions are beeing created.

And now, I’d like to tell something about my future or ideal job. It‘ certain that my future job will depend on my education.

I still don’t know which university I will study, because I haven’t passed my entrance exams yet. I will take the exams fot the Dentisty in Prague, Plzeň and Brno in June. And I sent an application form to the Faculty of Biomedical Engineering here in Sítná and think I’ll be accepted thanks to my marks so it’s my certainty.

But I would like to study the Dentysty in Prague the most, because it´s near to Kladno.

Témata, do kterých materiál patří