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24. environment

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Environmentincludes plants, animals, air, water, our civilization etc. We could say that is everything what is around us. Environment is influenced by processes in nature, but mainly by activity of people.

Natural disasters

we can notice quite oftenthe floodsin Czech Republic. Floods are generally caused by long heavy rains or when a lot of snow melts in the spring and water runs down from mountains. This water floods towns, roads and their surrounding. The floods damage houses, bridges,roads and kill people and animals who don´t run away.

Firesburns also everything what is on the way. It´s caused by someones´sinvokingor by dry and hot season. Wind helps to extend(expand) the fire. Butfirementry to stop this catastrophe. I think this profession is one of the most dangerous at all.

Huricanes and tornadoesare caused by presure changes in the atmosphere.We can meet with this phenomena often in area of Caribian sea. The speed of huricane can reaches up 119 km/hour. It´s very strong wind destroying everything on the way.

The movement of the litospheric bords caused earthquakes and explosions of volcanoes.

Thevolcanoesproduce a lot of dust, smoke and lava which pours out and burns everything what is in the land´s surface.

In the course ofearthquake the land is crashing and shakeing. Buildings fall down and everybody is in danger. Earthquake under the ocean can cause a big tidal wavewhich floods the coast.

Most serious world problems

Environment and its pollution is becoming more common question for planet protectors. Cars, industry and people with consumer lifestyle are increasing. All this contributes to continuous pollution of our surroundings.Civilization has brought people many advantages but its products also pollute and damage the environment in which we live.

Ozone layer

Large ozone layer is located at hight of 25-35 km above the Earth's surface. Has an important role for life on earth because it protects the planet from ultraviolet radiation. For ozone hole is taken area with a weakened stratospheric ozone layer, which is dangerous to humans. For people and animals means the increased intensity of UV eye damage, skin cancer and weakened immunity.The biggest ozone hole has formed over Antarctica and Australia.

Acid rain

Acid rain is caused by sulfur oxides from volcanic activity and burning of fuels , and also such as nitrogen oxides from automobiles. It all gets into the atmosphere and react with water. Arises sulfur and nitrogen acids and finally everything will fall to the ground as rain.

Global warming

Global warming or climate change, is a serious environmental worldwide problem. The point is that the average temperature of the Earth slowly rises. Combustion of fossil fuels (oil, coal, natural gas), burning of forests and some other activities is released into the atmosphere greenhouse gases. They produce the greenhouse effect, and our planet is warming.

Cutting rainforrest

One of the biggest reasons for deforestation are cattle farming, getting wood and minerals and construction projects such as roads and dams for power generation. Burning forests is a short term solution and does more demages than benefits. Forests are called the lungs of the world and their destruction is irreparable.

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