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0. Career and profession

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Maturitní otázka na téma kariéra a profese


Every person on the world must have a supply of money, which is spent on expenses for living. And, of course, the usual way to earn money is to have a job. There is an uncountable amount of various professions. Some are only for men, some only for women, some for the young and some for the elderly. The entire economy could be divided into three spheres – primary, secondary and tertiary.

The primary sphere means agriculture, fishing, hunting, wood cutting and mining. To sum up, the primary sphere is all the branches of economy, which use natural sources. The basic role of agriculture is to produce food and some materials for industry.

The secondary sphere means industry. Factories produce various items, some are used for final usage, some for getting raw materials (oil tankers, mine equipment), some for industry (equipment of factories, power stations) and some for agriculture (tractors, harvesters). There are many branches of industry, which cooperate with each other.

The tertiary sphere means services to people. It includes shops, travel agencies, restaurants, museums and galleries, offices, banks, church organisations, hospitals, schools, and also science. Altogether they are called non-productive economy. The number of people employed in services is different in different countries – the more developed country, the more people in services.

Jobs are very important feature of people’s lives because they spend at work a lot of time. Those who have a full-time job spend at work eight hours a day from Monday to Friday or if they work on shifts even evenings and weekends. You can also have a part time job, which typically require no more than 32 hours per week. Unlike full-time employees, part-time employees are not guaranteed the same number of hours or shifts each week. For example, a part-time cashier at a grocery store may only work 15 hours one week, and then 20 hours the following week. The advantage is a lot of flexibility, such as the option to work during the weekday, weekend or night shifts. This is why many students and parents choose to work part-time jobs, so they can focus more on other things like their studies or their families. Part-time jobs may also be available seasonally, especially during peak periods like summer vacation or the holidays.

People are often classified as being either blue-collar workers and white-collar workers. Blue-collar workers typically perform manual labour and white-collar workers perform mental labour.

Manual workers typically earn an hourly wage and they may be skilled or unskilled, may involve building and construction trades, mechanical work, maintenance or technical installations. Mental workers refer to an educated worker who performs semi-professional office, administrative, and sales coordination tasks. They include individuals who work in sales, clerical and technical occupations, the professions (law, medicine, and education) and business management.

You can also work freelance. The advantages are that you are your own boss and nobody tells you what you should do, but on the other hand it is a big risk, you have to work a lot and you usually don’t have a certain income.

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