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0. Career and profession

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Maturitní otázka na téma kariéra a profese

Teenagers between the age of fifteen and eighteen are usually expected to make their choice whether to continue their education or enter the world of work. Those who want to earn some money as soon as possible might face a lot of problems finding a suitable job because of lack of qualifications and experience. The job market has only odd jobs or seasonal jobs to offer them.

Finding a job can be one of the most interesting, exciting but also stressful times of our lives. The idea of a job for life has become old-fashioned. Today there is a lot more flexibility and personal choice. You may try several jobs or have two or more careers in your lifetime. That’s why one of the most important things you can do is to think about what you are good at or interested in, what you don’t like at all and what you are qualified for. Some professions require university diploma in certain specialization – like doctors, lawyers, vets, teachers and economists. For other jobs practical training is more important – like waiters, shop-assistants, bricklayers, plumbers and car mechanics. The job market is getting more and more competitive so it is necessary to have qualities certain jobs need.

When you know what kinds of jobs you would like, you need to prepare your diploma (university or secondary school) and your curriculum vitae and you can go to an employment agency, look for a jobs in the newspapers, search the internet, e-mail or telephone companies directly, or do all of these to find out who has a job opening.

Compared with some periods from the history, the social-economic situation is remarkably better. However, there are some troubles. The most important one is unemployment – despite somebody’s wish and ability to work, he / she can’t get a job. Usually, it is because there is only a little need for his / her sort of qualification. Compared with the situation in the past, when to get workers was a problem, today it is the opposite – workers are not able to find a job. The most serious situation is in non-developed countries, where the number of people is growing fastly and the local factories are closing down, or there are not any at all. In Czech Republic about 7% of people are unemployed. We have lower unemployment than Slovakia and Poland but slightly higher than Germany and Austria. It is really important to choose a college when you will obtain that kind of education which would eventually lead you to a stable job.

Manually working people (they must be healthy) – fireman, gardener, miner, housekeeper

Mentally working people (they must hard study) – manager, businessman, teacher, secretary

Inner working people – manager, teacher, secretary, housekeeper

Outer working people – farmer, soldier, postman, policeman

The professions – teachers, doctors, nurses, dentists, vets, …

Skilled manual jobs – mechanics, electricians, plumbers, bricklayers, carpenters, …

Office jobs – receptionist, personal assistant, manager, secretary, …

Témata, do kterých materiál patří