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010 the internet

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accessible přístupný, dostupný

attempt pokusit se

ban zakázat, zákaz

circumvent obejít, obcházet

consider považovat, pokládat, uvážit

considerable značný, velký, významný

contrary to na rozdíl od čeho

dissemination šíření, rozšiřování

enact uzákonit, nařídit, schválit

impact vliv, účinek, dopad

lesser menší, nižší

permeable prostupný, propustný

permit povolení, souhlas

suppression potlačování, omezování, utajení

wire drát, vedení

In the sphere of museums the Internet can play biunique role – on the one hand as a product of the museum and on the other hand, simultaneously, as one of the instruments of communication and promotion. From the standpoint of the type of the Internet presentation users, it is possible to separate several segments:

  1. The possible museum visitors who acquire several pieces of information about organisation, occasionally some information about collections, exhibitions and museum programmes, a sort of certain “preview “of the real visit.

  2. The regular museum clientele who tries to get the latest current information about news items on the programme.

  3. Teachers and pupils – students who can make preparations for the real visit or who can make use of the information on web pages within their education.

  4. Specialized groups of museum clients (students, researchers, journalists).

  5. A large target group esp. of young generation who haven’t any great interest in these problems and who almost don’t attend museums, however they are interested in new technologies, forms of mass culture and regularly works with the Internet – for these people the Internet could become their first source of information about museums and in the optimal case it could encourage them the real visit to the museum.

The Internet provides new possibilities for on-line ticket bookings. One of the first examples in our conditions is introducing the system of on-line booking into the premises of The National Institute for the Preservation of Historical Monuments.

The current level of the Internet presentations of Czech museums differs widely – from simple pages with minimum pieces of information and low level graphic solution appears towards the functionally and structurally and even with regard to its contents richer web pages. Their absolute majority appears within the standard classification of museum web-sites, the so-called first generation pages, therefore they work as the information and mass media, basically like electronic version of the printed materials, not at all as a separate form of presentation

The enlargement of the Internet presentation with the virtual museum or collection is the decision which is necessary to be weighed up carefully, in view of the whole general strategy and available resources. In practice, it will be out of question for every museum.

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