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014b managment

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Management – zbytek otázky k aj

Company structure

Company structure depends on the company´s strategy, its´ size, technology, professional structure and organizational structure.

During the process of deciding which structure a company will choose, these points are important to be thought about:

  1. identification of company´s tasks: to determinate these tasks for reaching the objectives of a company

  2. which activities a company will do

  3. which jobs it will create

In every company delegation of authority is useful. It means that every employee can use in some situation only his or her thinking. A company can choose between two types of delegation of authority:

  1. precipitate organizational structure – the superior is able to manage for example 3 posts under him and every job has other subordinates

    • it´s quite difficult for superiors to manage this type of delegation

    • it´s important to control the subordinates

2. flat organizational structure – the superior has under himself more people, they control each other, they are more qualified

According the organization of operational relationships we divide the company structure on:

  1. Linear system – the subordinate gets the intstructions from one superior – the principle of one boss

Andvantages: clear organization of relationships, easier control

Disadvantages: overload of superiors, worse communication, lower level of skilled management

It´s used for small and middle company and for bureaucratic organizations (banks)

  1. ??? More linear system – one subordinate has more superiors, the superiors are specialists

Advantages: short way of commnucation – flexibility, instructions from qualified posts

Disadvantages: danger of contradictory instructions – conflicts between specialists, sometimes subordinates don´t know who is exactly their superior, the coordination centre is missing

This system is not used often, but it´s useful for matrix structure

  1. Linear system with crew??? – with a special organizational unit, which has no deciding authority, but it has these functions: it gathers and transforms information, it counsels and controls

Advantages: the principle of one boss is not broken, higher expertise

Disadvantages: disagreements between linear posts and the crew???

It´s used for large companies

Pro pochopení anglických výrazů:

Organizační struktura = uspořádání

  • Proces tvorby organizační struktury:

  1. identifikace úkolů (analýza) – stanovení úkolů pro dosažení cílů organizace

  2. Seskupení úkolů (činností) – vytváření pracovních míst (základní jednotka k dělbě práce)

  3. Seskupení pracovních míst

Delegace pravomocí – každé místo má delegovanou pravomoc = volnost propůjčená pracovníkovi k použití svého úsudku při rozhodování – pravomoc souvisí s odpovědností

→ Kompetence = způsobnost v daném rozsahu činnosti

→ Centralizace = pravomoc se přenáší na vyšší místa

→ Decentralizace = pravomoc se přenáší na nižší místa

Témata, do kterých materiál patří