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06 culture

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Something about gifts:

  • In Japan if you receive a gift, take it with both hands and open it later in private. If you give a gift (such as something from your country), it must be wrapped beautifully.

  • In Germany if you’re invited to someone’s house, buy flowers for the hostess. Remove the wrapping before handing them to her.

  • In Cuba if you receive a gift, open it right away while the other person is watching.

  • In Korea it is good manners to refuse a gift at first – people have to be persuaded to accept one.

  • In Russia male and female visitors are often given a bunch of flowers to welcome them.

  • In Taiwan give your gift with both hands. Don’t give clocks, towels, knives, letter- openers, scissors, or white, blue or black items. If someone gives you a gift, open it later in private.

  • In the UK it’s not customary to give gifts. But if you go to someone’s home, take a bottle of wine or some flowers.


Many travellers go through a period of euphoria and excitement, full with a thrill of being in a totally new and unusual environment. As this initial sense of "adventure" wears off, they become aware of the fact that old habits and routine ways are strange for them. They gradually (or suddenly) no longer feel comfortable. If this happens to you, you will feel like the outsider. Minor problems may quickly change into major crises, and you may find yourself depressed. You may be worried that it would result in losing all your familiar signs and symbols. You will experience a "Culture Shock". Such feelings are perfectly normal, so, knowing this, you will soon find yourself making changes (some small and perhaps not even noticeable) that will enable you to adapt to your new cultural environment.

There is no easy way of dealing with culture shock. Simply recognizing its existence is a first important step. As long as you know in advance that you will probably experience a culture shock, you can prepare yourself psychologically to accept the discomfort and turn it into an advantage by learning from it. Remember that you are not the only one experiencing frustration, or depression, etc.

The culture shock is an experience that you should take advantage of. It is a way of putting you to another culture beyond the intellectual and the rational. Just as an athlete cannot get in shape without going through the uncomfortable conditioning stage, so you cannot fully appreciate the cultural differences that exist without first going through the uncomfortable stages of psychological change.

The culture shock means the anxiety produced when a person moves to a completely new environment. It expresses the feeling of not knowing what to do or how to do things in a new environment and not knowing what is appropriate or inappropriate. The feeling of culture shock generally sets in after the first few weeks of coming to a new place.

There are some symptoms for example sadness, loneliness, melancholy, depression, changes in temperament, feeling of being lost or some allergies and pains.

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