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07 travel and transport

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Travel and Transport

„Travel broadens our mind“– is it worth going abroad?

Impact of tourism and its phenomena

Travel and transport in 21st century

Travelling is a very old phenomenon. The first important travellers lived in ancient times. They toured the whole known world at that time and most of them travelled by ship. The trade was the most important reason for their travelling. It was the same in the Middle Ages. Christopher Columbus was an explorer and trader who crossed the Atlantic Ocean and reached America in 1492. It was a beginning of the new world history.

Travelling has become very popular in the 21th century. We travel for fun or out of necessity. The technical development is very fast. So that, nowadays, the travelling is more comfortable and accessible to everybody. The distances are getting shorter and shorter (For example, in the morning you are in Prague and you can reach China even the same day.).

Travelling is necessary for us these days. It takes up more time in our lives than most of us can imagine. Travelling does not mean only visiting foreign countries during the holiday or travelling on business. We also travel in our country and especially in our city. There is a huge range of means of transport. People and goods can be transported by land, by air or by water. We can use our own means of transport (car, motorbike, bicycle) or we can rely on the public transport (bus, metro, ship, plane).

“Travel really broadens our mind” because people go away from their native country and live and work in another state. People like travelling as it is exciting, they can get many unforgettable experiences and earn some extra money too. They can have better work conditions in a foreign country. They can learn foreign languages very quickly and much more easily than at home. They become self-confident. They meet a lot of new friends. They can see new places and understand new cultures. They see the way of life in various countries. Every country has something different and special. Something that is common for the natives may not be understandable by the foreigners. They can have, for example, the different eating habits and cause, as a result of this, embarrassing situations.

But there are also some disadvantages. Travelling can be very dangerous. You can meet bad people. You can get lost, be murdered or our money can be stolen. You can feel lonely and homesick too.

If you travel abroad, you should have all the necessary documents. The most important is a passport and a visa to travel to a given country. The visa can be only a formal matter. But some countries are very careful about foreigners and the getting a visa is not easy - the USA are a good example.

As I have already mentioned there are many reasons for travelling. We can travel because it is a part of our job duties, e.g. in case of travel agents, managers, professional sportsmen and singers. There are many others reasons for travelling, but probably the most common reason is the tourism.

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