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1. Maturitní téma - Czech republic

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Geographical position: CR is a landlocked country in the Central Europe. It borders with Poland, Germany, Austria and Slovakia.


The CR is surrounded by mountain ranges:

  • Krkonoše - the highest mountain in the CR Sněžka, Šumava, Jizerské hory, Jeseníky, etc.

Lowlands along big rivers:

  • the Vltava river (Moldan)

  • the Elbe river (flows into the North Sea)

  • the Odra river (the Baltic Sea)

  • the Morava/ Dyje river (the Danube -> the Black Sea)

Capital city: The capital and largest city in CR is Prague.

Area: The CR occupies the area of 79 000 sq. km.

Subdivision: CR is divided into 3 historical lands: Bohemia, Moravia, Silesia and into 14 self-governing regions.

Population: CR has 10.5 million inhabitants. There are many minority, like: Slovaks, Ukrainians, Vietnamese, Poles, Gypsies, etc.)

Political system:

  • CR is a democratic parliamentary republic.

  • The head of the state is the president, now it´s Václav Klaus.

    • representative, ceremonial role

    • elected for a 5-years term by the public

    • head of the army

    • signs new legislation

    • appoints the prime minister, the ministers, judges, university professor, guvernor of CNB

    • declares amnesties

    • he gives state decorations

  • The supreme organ of executive power is the government.

    • currently 14 ministries

    • prime minister

    • ministers of culture, agriculture, healthcare, social affairs, foreign affairs, defence

  • Parliament is divided into the Senate (it has 81 senators, who are elected for a 6-year term, 1/4 for 2 years is changing, majority system) and House of Deputies (it has 200 deputies, who are elected for a 4-years term, proportional system). -> this is legislative power

    • coalition:

      • (ODS) Civic Democratic Party

      • TOP 09

      • (Lidem) Liberal Democracy

    • opposition:

      • (ČSSD) Czech Social Democratic Party

      • the Communist Party

      • Public Affairs

  • Process of passing news legislation:

    1. Parliament (group of MPs), presidents, government, regions -> they propose a new law

    2. House of Deputies - discuss it (3 readings) -> submit it to the Senate

      • the Senate: accept it and submit it to the president or return it to the HoD

      • the president: signs it or vetoes

      • HoD can over vote the presidential veto

International organization: The CR belong to:

  • OSN (=United Nations Organization)

  • NATO (=North Atlantic Treaty Organization), we entered in 1999

  • UN (=United Nations), we entered in 1993

  • OECD (=Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development)

  • WTO (=World Trade Organization)

  • Council of Europe

  • OBSE (=Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe)

  • EEA (=European Economic Area)

  • EU - we entered in 1 May 2004, The Schengen area, The Visegrad Group.


  • flag -> On the left side is a blue triangle, on the bottom is a red stripe and at the top is a white stripe.

  • currency -> Czech crowns

  • other -> large and small national emblem with two-tailed lion, national anthem, the national colors (tricolor), state seal, a banner of the President


  • Catholic

  • Protestant

  • Orthodox

  • atheist

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