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10. Canada

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There are more than 40 national parks across Canada. Whether visitors are looking for a thrilling (exciting) Artic adventure or a just a quiet day at the beach, there’s something for everyone.
Banff National Park is Canada’s most famous national park is located in the Rocky Mountains. There are six luxury resorts in the park. Over four million visitors visit this park annually.
Jasper National Park is almost twice as big as Banff. There is stunning scenery and lots of places to stop and camp or hike.
There is also park which lies north of the Arctic Circle (It is imaginary line around the earth and the northernmost point.) Park’s name in English means “the land that never melts”. To get to the park, visitors have to ski, hike, travel by boat, or take a snowmobile. But if you want to visit park, you have to take a special safety and survival course.
In another park you can go back in time and try to search dinosaur bones or fossils, which can be found all around the park. You can also go horse riding, walk through old campsites and visit farmhouses.
There are parks great for families because it’s got beautiful beaches, giant sand dunes, hiking trails and coastal campsites. In these parks we can find huge variety of wildlife and ancient rainforest filled with giant trees.

Canada is famous for timber industry.

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