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12. The importance of education and learning languages

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finesse – finta

hold out – odkládat


Since the first time I have walked in gymnasium J.K. Tyla, I heard countless times that in our school is only one goal – learn how to learn. It is true, that we had to study a lot, but in fourth grade everything started to be more important. Well, I had to find out good technics to improve my study finesses – Firstly, it’s important to have a plan. Turn off social sites. Stop to hold out things you have to do. What helps me a lot are mind maps and begin as soon as it is possible because I am not stressed out and my brain is able to be concentrated.


Especially nowadays should everyone tends to be educated in foreign languages. We have lots of opportunities to leave our country or just visit another ones. Also is possible to work in company which collaborates with other countries or even just with our neighbours such as Germany, Austria… Always is great to have some certification about level of your language. It could help you in finding work.


I plan to study university of medicine in Prague. But my main intention is to learn new things throughout my entire life because I think that’s perfect to know new information about subjects you are interested in.

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